DeafDigest - 12 October 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - October 12, 2018   -- a hearing person is anti-captions A hearing person wrote in a newspaper editorial that she is anti-captions. Her reasons - captions interfere with voice dialogue; captions steal her eyes from the film action; captions require refocusing of eyes while watching the film; captions interfere with the film movement; captions cut off parts of the screen. Does DeafDigest editor feel sorry for the hearing woman? No - if the woman hates captions she should look for non-captioned movies!     -- seeing a trend; more flashing devices at work Years ago, not too many work places had flashing devices for the deaf. Deaf employees (office or factory or garage, etc) just had to use their eyes. There have been stories recently of flashing devices on fork lifts for the benefit of deaf operators, and of printing presses having these devices for the benefit of deaf pressmen. In a perfect world, all deaf work places are fully outfitted with these flashing devices, even at offices where deaf employees sit on their desks!     -- deaf apartment renters or deaf house owners There was a survey, saying that more deaf people rent apartments as opposed to buying homes. Big reason is that buying a home is more complicated, requiring use of interpreters to deal with realtors and during the settlements. Renting an apartment is less complicated. True or not true? Do not know. But - buying a new car is almost just as complicated as buying a new house (these hated paperwork moments) yet there are many deaf people buying new cars!     Deaf jobs - latest update 10/07/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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