DeafDigest - 12 October 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - October 12, 2020 -- liking it, now hating it When Deaf U came out, many people loved it, now we are reading stories of how many people now hate it. Can't win!   -- three-years only A politician, campaigning to win his election, promised the deaf that he would find funding for three years to pay for interpreters. Why three years? Why not permanent funding?   -- mental health issues This is a sad story. A hearing person had mental issues, tried to tell the world, especially the police that she is deaf and used fake-sign language in an effort to prove her deafness! The woman's husband, who is not deaf, was helpless when trying to take care of her.     Deaf jobs - latest update 10/11/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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