DeafDigest - 12 September 2012

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, September 12, 2012 -- eBay laughs at ADA! A deaf person wanted to register as eBay seller. EBay requires voice telephone to verify identity, and would not accept relay calls. The deaf person sued, but the judge agreed with eBay. Why? When ADA was written up in the early nineties, there was nothing that covers the internet!   -- a Hearing Aid dress A college student invented the Hearing Aid dress. It has several microphones that vibrate either soft or hard depending on the sound. Will deaf women buy that dress? Good question especially if it is not stylish!   -- a prank that may help a deaf school Taylor Swink is a famous singer. In an internet contest, a school getting the most votes will get a free singing performance. As a joke, several hearing people nominated the Horace Mann School for the Deaf in Massachusetts. They thought Taylor will be singing for nothing because the deaf can't hear. While the vote ends September 23rd, the school is hoping to win. There are some deaf children that love to hear songs.   -- a non-captioned public service announcement gets FCC angry During a recent wildfire, a TV station showed a public service announcement from the American Lung Association. It told people to stay home, use air conditioner and avoid exercising outdoors. This announcement was not captioned! As a result, that TV station was fined $20,000.     -- A British cruise ship kicks out a deaf couple A deaf couple was not allowed on a cruise ship unless a hearing person came with them and slept in their cabin. It didn't matter that the deaf couple were experienced travelers. The angry hearing son used the Twitter, the Facebook and a local TV station to tell the public about it. The cruise operator changed his mind and welcomed the deaf couple. In case of emergencies a hostess will be with the deaf couple. England does not have rules about cruises for the deaf.     9/9/12 Blue edition at: 9/9/12 Gold edition at:

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