DeafDigest - 12 September 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, September 12, 2014   -- another Heather Whitestone Are we having another Heather Whitestone, a deaf woman, who was Miss America 1995? We have a deaf participant taking part in 2015 Miss America Competition right now. It is Miss Michigan K.T. Maviglia. Every Miss America participant has a goal in life; K.T.'s goal is to provide hearing aids for deaf children.   -- an amazed deaf tourist from Scotland DeafDigest editor was riding the subway with a deaf friend. A deaf tourist from Scotland saw the signing and came over. Communication was between American Sign Language and British Sign Language. This tourist repeatedly emphasized one word - access. He was just amazed that for the deaf, access in USA was much easier than in Scotland.   -- the facts re the Rochester captioning protest? a group of deaf Rochesterians are pushing the Regal Entertainment Group to turn on captions upon demand. Is Regal against captions? No - and in fact, Randy Smith, the Regal vice president has a deaf son. The TV set in Randy's house is always captioned even though the deaf son moved out 4 years ago. Then why Regal refuses open captions? Business goes down 50 percent with open captioned movies. The worst fear? That Regal, suffering from slow business with open captioned movies, would close their Rochester theater. Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions 09/07/14 Blue edition at: 09/07/14 Gold edition at:  

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