DeafDigest - 12 September 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, September 12, 2016   -- Deaf Uber Oops A deaf Uber driver piked up a hearing passenger in Dallas, Texas. The passenger placed his bags in the car trunk. After getting off at the destination, the deaf Uber driver quickly drove off, just as when the hearing passenger was going to the trunk to pick up his bags. There was no way for the hearing passenger to quickly page the deaf driver. It took three days for the hearing passenger to get his bags back! Whose fault is it? Uber's fault because of the company policy that lost stuff in the cars are not their responsibility! Anyway Uber was able to track down the deaf driver to return the baggage and the hearing passenger's ride fee was totally refunded. A picture is at:   -- Amazon captions all, refuses speech-to-text Many people hate Amazon because it is too big. Yet,, which is part of Amazon, said it will caption all of its streams, not using speech-to-text but using professional captioners. And Twitch said it will allow other broadcasters to use twitch's captions. One less no-captioning lawsuit for us to worry about!   -- Sign Language classes "for life" Sign language students attending classes "for life"? Well, in Shiga, Japan, police officer started attending classes in 2001. Fifteen years later in 2016, these same police officers are still attending classes! Do compare this with many American police officers attending classes for a short time, hoping they will remember signs when they arrest a deaf person 15 years later!     Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- deaf real state agents, network 09/11/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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