DeafDigest - 13 August 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, August 13, 2015 morning   -- deafness not important to a federal agency The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is one of the most important federal agencies. It protects USA from health, safety and security threats. And this agency does not care about the deaf? It distributed a report about the disabled people in USA. Not one word about this report mentions deafness! So, are they saying we are not important?       -- water dumped on a person with hearing aid At the Cache restaurantin Little Rock, Senator Ted Cruz was eating with Governor Asa Hutchinson. Outside the restaurant, a group of people were protesting Ted Cruz's political beliefs. The angry restaurant employees, wanting the protesters to go away, poured water on them from the restaurant balcony. The water was dumped on a deaf person that was wearing a hearing aid. Fortunately the hearing aid was not damaged, but the deaf person plans to file a police report.   past Mid-Week & morning editions:\   8/09/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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