DeafDigest - 13 August 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - August 13, 2020 -- Our state commissions for the deaf and hard of hearing Almost all states have state commissions for the deaf and hard of hearing. Almost all of them operate differently from each other. New Hampshire is interesting. The chairperson is an elected state legislator. If that chaiperson loses his next election, then the state has to find another legislator. Other states chose their directors differently from New Hampshire.   -- beware of face mask scams It is going on in New Mexico, a facemask scam. Being circulated is a fake facemask excemption card issued by New Mexico Department of Health and also by the U.S. Justice Department. This card "allows" the deaf not to wear facemaks at all. This is a scam.   -- honoring a skateboarding legend Tony Hawk, not deaf, is a skateboarding legend. For years he used an in-the-air skateboarding trick which was developed by retired skateboarder Chris Weddle, who was deaf. For years the trick was called "mute grab" but Tony didn't like that name and discussed it with Weddle. They agreed to rename the trick as "'Weddle grab"   Deaf jobs - latest update 08/09/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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