DeafDigest - 13 February 2013

 -- Deaf woman, arrested on drunk driving, loses her case DeafDigest mentioned a past case of deaf woman, arrested on drunk driving, trying to get her case dismissed due to no interpreter. The judge ruled against the deaf woman, saying that communications by written notes was enough. The woman's attorney plans to appeal the judge's ruling. This court hearing took four hours, which is very long! -- Discrimination against deaf doctors There is much discrimination against deaf patients in doctors' offices. What about deaf doctors? Yes, much discrimination! Says who? Says Philip Zazove, a deaf physician. The University of California Davis Health System printed a special report about this issue. While the report did not say how many deaf doctors do we have, the estimate is between 75-100. And many of them said they deal with discrimination while working with hearing people in the medical profession. -- The deaf and the Red Bull Red Bull is a famous energy drink company. Many of us know about a famous deaf racer Ashley Fiolek. She is sponsored by the Red Bull. But how many of us know that Red Bull is sponsoring a team coached by a deaf man! Mick Fanning, not deaf, is a two time world surfing champion and his surf team is sponsored by the Red Bull. Fanning's coach is Andy King, an Australian, who is deaf. -- DEAF in India In USA, many deaf people identify themselves as Capital D Deaf. What about India? There is DEAF. Really deaf? No, it is Depositor Education & Awareness Fund, which explains how to make bank deposits. But many hearing people laugh at DEAF. They say DEAF is deaf to the real banking needs! 02/10/13 Blue edition at: 02/10/13 Gold edition at:  

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