DeafDigest - 13 January 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, January 13, 2017   -- deaf in a TV contest program A new TV show is coming up in Great Britain - The Big Painting Challenge. The judges will look at the paintings of amateur artists and decide which one is the best. One of the contestants in a future program is deaf. This is great because we do not see too many deaf participants in all of these TV contests. A picture is at:   -- a big irony with a deaf school budget Budgets are always a big issue with deaf schools. And there is a big irony - The Montana School for the Deaf and the Blind offered to return $250,000 to the state. It is four percent of the school budget. The state government was complaining about making budget cuts with different state departments. Did the state grab $250,000 from the deaf school budget? No! The state government more or less was embarrassed by the school offer. That amount represented four teaching slots at the school that went unfilled.   -- Deaf during the Super Bowl Day We look forward to the Super Bowl. We wonder which TV commercials are captioned and which are not. And we wonder if the TV will show the ASL signer of the National Anthem or ignore it (as usual). And there is a Super Bowl performer that is deaf. It is Doobert, a deaf puppy that will participate in the annual Puppy Bowl. Will Doobert score a touchdown or make us laugh?   Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- a deaf civil war story, fact or myth 1/08/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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