DeafDigest - 13 July 2011

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, July 13, 2011 -- An angry father of a deaf son Charles Canankamp, not deaf, lives in Madison Township in
Ohio. His 5-year old son Spencer is deaf and the father
is angry that drivers do not slow down their cars on the
street and ignore the "Deaf Child" sign. He spends three
hours a day with his radar, clocking the speed of the
cars that drive by. He says many cars are clocked at
45-60 mph on this25 mph speed limit street. Yet, the
town police force has not been too helpful with this
speeding issue.

-- Did past Taipei Deaflympics ruin future Deaflympics? The Taiwan government government paid over 450 million
dollars to fund the 2009 Deaflympics that took place at
Taipei. 450 million dollars? Yes, and this may be the
reason why Greece has refused to fund the upcoming
2013 Deaflympics. We are afraid that less and less
nations are willing to host the future Deaflympics
because of these unreasonably high costs. Keep in mind
it was not too many years ago that we were talking
about thousands of dollars for these Deaflympics;
we are now talking about half-billion dollars.
Times have changed.
  -- A puzzling arrest of a deaf man in Belarus There is so much political unrest in Belarus.
People are revolting against dictator Alexander
Lukashenko. It was so bad that a deaf man, with
no speaking skills, was arrested. What was his
"crime"? Shouting out anti-government comments!
How can he be shouting out such comments if he
has no speaking skills at all? This is how bad
things are at Belarus.
-- The amazing deaf individual Baron Babineaux Jr, Lafayette, Louisiana is deaf.
He is also amazing. Growing up, he played
baseball, then football for a while. He also
attended a mainstreamed program and then a
community college before graduating from
University of Louisiana at Lafayette with
a general studies degree. He then decided
to become a competitive body builder (6'1
tall and 175 lbs) and has just entered his
first body building contest.
What is so special about him? Not only he
is deaf, but is also deaf-blind!

-- The movie, A Time to Kill, and the deaf? There was a scene in the famous movie "A Time
to Kill" that is impossible for the deaf.
A jury was supposed to decide the fate of a
black man, who was accused of murder in
Mississippi where racism was very strong.
The attorney, defending the black defendant,
asked the jury to close their eyes and to listen
to a slow-moving, and long tale he was going to
tell. After opening their eyes and discussions
in the jury room, the jurors were convinced and
acquitted the black man. Impossible for the deaf?
We have had, from time to time, deaf people
serving on the jury, of course with interpreters.
What if that deaf person was on the jury and
was also asked to close his eyes??????????

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