DeafDigest - 13 July 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, July 13, 2015 morning     -- a movie captions loophole We have a powerful law on movie captions. But even this powerful law has a bad loophole, at least in Hawaii. State law says that if a movie owner in the state only owns just one movie theater, it does not have to be captioned! The law only says if the owner has two or more movie houses in different locations, it must be captioned. If just one movie house, then sorry, no captions!   -- a doctorate survey of deaf business owners This is probably a first. Michael Jasniak, who is deaf, is going for his doctorate in Berlin, Germany. This thesis is titled: entrepreneurial preferences of deaf and hard of hearing people Not sure if his survey is focused on deaf-owned businesses in Germany, or anywhere in the world.   past Mid-Week & morning editions:     7/12/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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