DeafDigest - 13 July 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, July 13, 2016     -- deaf man racing the bulls A big tradition in Spain is the annual Pamplona Bull Run. Brave men run ahead of the bulls hoping they won't be gored. These runners come from everywhere in the world just to participate in this annual tradition. A deaf man running with the bulls? Yes - Sergio Colas participates in the run every summer. He says his deafness is an advantage because he is not bothered by the noise, with bothers these hearing runners. See a picture of him running ahead of the bulls in middle of the crowd:     -- future of loud music What is the future of loud music, which causes deafness among musicians and music fans? According to Timbeland, a recording artist (real name Timothy Zachery Mosley), the future is vibration, not sound! Hearing people going for vibrations? Timbeland is pushing for this movement - and said the deaf can benefit the most from vibrations!     -- Skype to provide Business captions Microsoft is installing real time captions in the Skype For Business software. It will be in a test beta version for the time being. Part of the prss release said: The feature may also be a boon to hearing-impaired users, who will now be able to get live captions from feeds that are sent over Skype Meeting Broadcast As with other types of live captions, DeafDigest is always concerned with possible garbling of actually said words.     Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Artist Goya mystery 07/10/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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