DeafDigest - 13 June 2012

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, June 13, 2012 -- A dictionary finally accepts a Deaf word Big dictionaries have their own "new word" committees; they vote to accept or reject proposed new words. For years, the word "audism" has been rejected. Finally the Merriam-Webster dictionary  accepted this new word. Maybe other dictionaries will follow? This dictionary says that audism is: au·dism (ô.d.z..m) n. 1.  The belief that people with hearing are superior to those who are deaf or hard of hearing. 2.  Discrimination or prejudice against people who are deaf or hard of hearing.   -- Netflix just won't give up! Attorneys look for loopholes in laws, rules and regulations. Netflix does not want captions. As a result, attorneys working for an electronics trade association (Netflix is a member) are studying the 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act documents. They are looking for any loophole, word by word, to see if Netflix is allowed not to caption! How disappointing their anti-deaf attitude is!     -- Mona Lisa and the deaf? Mona Lisa is the world's most famous painting. It shows a woman with a weak smile, or is it a weak frustration? Anyway, someone wrote that Mona Lisa is deaf! The argument is that her facial expressions show a "deaf face" and therefore she is deaf. This person explained that because she could not understand the conversation, her facial expression shows "confusion". Is she deaf or hearing? You decide!   -- a real or a fake CI video? From time to time we have been seeing videos of people "hearing" for the first time with their new CI. These people jump up and down with happiness on "first time" sound that they hear. Real or fake?  Was their jumping up and down part of their "acting" in front of the video. It is very easy to have the video posted on the internet and get millions of hits. And as for "hearing" for the first time, many of these people wore hearing aids in the past. So, when they say they hear for the first time with a CI, it is probably a false comment.   -- Beethoven's last words before he died We all know that Beethoven, the world's most famous composer, wrote his best piece of music after he became deaf. He never accepted his deafness and was very bitter about it. It was just learned that just before he died in 1827, his last words were: I shall hear in heaven   6/10/12 Blue edition at: 6/10/12 Gold edition at:

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