DeafDigest - 13 June 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, June 13, 2014 -- bad news for Matt Hamill Bad news for Matt Hamill! He was supposed to take part in a World Series of Fighting event next month. While training for that event, he hurt his knee. At this point we will have to wait and see if he still plans to fight again.     -- The Hulk's biggest secret Lou Ferrigno, a deaf man, is well known for his past TV roles as the Hulk during the late seventies and early eighties. Before he became the Hulk, he was a world champion in bodybuilding and briefly as a pro football player in Canada. What was his biggest secret he had for many years? As a kid he loved to read these comic books - Superman, Spider-Man, Incredible Hulk and dreamed of becoming a Strong Man. His dreams came true - football player, bodybuilding champion and a TV role.     -- a deaf discrimination lawsuit irony A deaf man was fired from his job. The employer turned down his requests for TTY machine, a video phone, and text messaging device. He filed a formal complaint with the EEOC and won. But there was a big irony. It was not a private employer that fired him, but a Detroit non-profit service agency that helps the deaf and the disabled! While his job title was independent living specialist, he was not allowed to use the devices he needed to function! So, this was a nonprofit agency discriminating against people that they were supposed to serve!     Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 06/08/14 Blue edition at: 06/08/14 Gold edition at:        

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