DeafDigest - 13 June 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - June 13, 2017   -- busiest deaf woman employed near Gallaudet A newspaper ran a story on Hillary Peters extremely busy working at Fare Well, a up and coming Vegan restaurant not too far from the Gallaudet campus. She graduated from Gallaudet last year and is currently juggling many hats - bartender, server and manager while at the same time passing notes back and forth with hearing patrons. This restuarant is a daytime cafe and a night time bar. Oh, yes one of the employees she manages is deaf. A picture is at:   -- police officer decisions When a police officer receives a call to rush to a scene, there are many things that race across his mind - what kind of incident, how bad is the automobile accident, is the driver having issues, any abused children, adults being threatened, people threatening suicide, dead people, etc, etc. This is why for many such officers, a deaf situation is probably the last thing on their minds! Very often dispatchers do not get full information to pass on to them.   -- Powerball helping the deaf In some states lotteries allocate part of money to help the deaf. But what about the Powerball? A liquor store owner in Menifee, a small city in California, sold the ticket that won the $447.8 prize. Once the winner shows up to claim his prize, the liquor store will be rewarded with a one million dollar bonus. The owner plans to allocate part of the bonus money to help the deaf. The owner's older brother is deaf, hence wanting to help the Deaf Community.     Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Deaf House perfection 6/11/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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