DeafDigest - 13 March 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, March 13, 2014 -- more problems for nation's leading deaf relay provider We all know that Sorenson, the nation's #1 relay provider, has filed for bankruptcy. And now this - freelance interpreters that do Sorenson interpreting, may have had their payroll vital information hacked (SS numbers, birthdate, names, addresses, emergency contacts, etc). It is not the Sorenson computers that were hacked but the third-party payroll vendor, which prepares Sorenson paychecks, that had its computer hacked. The FBI is looking into it.   -- a picture of 5 new sign language stamps to be issued next month these stamps are from the Israeli post office and will be issued on April 8, 2014. DeafDigest thanks Kenneth S. Rothschild for his assistance with these pictures.     -- more on the hearing aid taken away from a deaf person yesterday's DeafDigest ran a story of a hearing aid taken away from a deaf man when he wanted to get it fixed at a hearing aid dealership. Medicare rules? Obamacare rules? Seems to be a mix of both - thus confusing everyone - hearing aid dealers, Medicare advisers and doctors! There was another case in Washington - a deaf man was on Medicaid but was told that the Medicaid of Washington would not pay for his eyeglasses; he was told to pay $300 out of his pockets. He was not too happy about it. Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 03/09/14 Blue edition at: 03/09/14 Gold edition at:

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