DeafDigest - 13 March 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, March 13, 2015   -- world's most deaf-friendly police force Which city has the world's most deaf-friendly police force? It is Leicestershire in Great Britain. This city has a police unit called Police Link Officers for Deaf People. 17 police officers in that unit use British Sign Language. How big is Leicestershire? It has about 1,000,000 people. Here in USA we are lucky if we have just a few police officers in any big city that use ASL! Washington, DC, however has its Deaf and Hard of Hearing Liaison Unit which consists of four police officers that work with the deaf.   -- shoulder tap, safe or dangerous In USA, most deaf people are used to shoulder-tapping, either by another deaf friend or by a hearing person. Is shoulder tapping OK in other parts of the world? DeafDigest editor once gently tapped the shoulder of a deaf immigrant to alert him to a car coming near him. He immediately raised his fists, thinking it was a fight! In a British hospital, the nurse tapped the shoulder of a deaf patient, wanting to tell her to read the medicine instructions. Before she knew it, the deaf patient hit her very hard on the face! As a result, this deaf patient has been banned from the hospital.     -- making electronic contacts As mentioned last week, deaf nightclub hostess Saito Rie is campaigning for a seat in a Tokyo assembly. She is using her text pager to reach voters, hoping they will vote for her. She has to use text because she has no voice speaking skills.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest for subscription changes, go to, click "subscribe" icon & follow screen instructions past Mid-Week editions: 3/8/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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