DeafDigest - 13 March 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - March 13, 2020 -- movie with a strange title There is a new movie with a strange title - it is titled "How to Deaf". It is about how deaf people deal with life in hearing world.   -- blind cannot help the deaf in ADA A group of blind people filed ADA lawsuit against the city of Chicago, saying there are no accommodations for them AND the deaf while crossing the street intersections. The federal judge said the blind can argue for themselves and cannot involve the deaf!   -- casting directors discriminate against non-ASL deaf actors A deaf activist, who is an actor but doesn't use ASL, said casting calls which ask for deaf actors that know ASL is discriminatory! Well, sigh, another case for attorneys to argue.     Deaf jobs - latest update 03/08/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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