DeafDigest - 13 May 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, May 13, 2013     -- a former Super Bowl NFL player, himself deaf, very bitter Reggie Williams played 14 years for Cincinnati Bengals (1976-1989), and played in two Super Bowls. He has a life-long hearing problem and as a child, attended Rhode Island School for the Deaf for a short time. Since he functioned as a hearing person, many people did not know he was deaf. As a great football player, he paid the price - many injuries to his legs. He has to use crutches to walk. He is bitter because NFL would not help him (and many other badly-injured NFL players). The big, rich NFL will not help its retired players that made NFL great.     -- who was the first deaf around-the-world solo sailor? Last week the newpapers were full of stories of Gerry Hughes, a deaf Scot, who sailed solo all around the world, a trip taking him 8 months. They are saying he is the FIRST deaf person to accomplish it. First deaf person? DeafDigest mentioned in Year 2000 (13 years ago) that Paul Thompson, a deaf man from South Africa, sailed solo all around the world!     -- fastest A to Z fingerspeller! There is a contest in Great Britain called "Hot Fingers." Deaf contestants race against each other to see who fingerspells A to Z the fastest. The average fast speed is 5-6 seconds. Is it faster than A to Z fingerspelling in USA? Probably not because British fingerspelling uses both hands, while ASL fingerspelling is on one hand!     05/12/13 Blue edition at: 05/12/13 Gold edition at:

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