DeafDigest - 13 May 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - May 13, 2019 -- deaf-owned business or hearing-owned business A deaf businessman made this comment that hearing customers would pick a hearing-owned business over the deaf-owned business. Correct? Not always that so. Roberto Wirth, who is deaf, owns Hotel Hassler (Rome, Italy) considered to be one of world's best hotels. The late Al Van Nevel was a career executive in the insurance industry, selling many policies because he knew more about how insurance works as compared to his competitors. A deaf man, doing home repairs, had his hearing sons handle all of his customers' phone calls.   -- a twist, bad one, with a museum interpreted tour The New Museum (New York City) made this announcement that one of their tours will be ASL-interpreted. The first twist is that first priority in joining the tour are deaf museum-goers. The bad twist is that ASL students cannot join the tour. A bad twist? Yes, but the museum excuse is limited capacity. What if the ASL student is deaf and is desperate to learn ASL? He just stays home.   -- Coda's unusual challenge Kamila Carter, a 13-year old girl, is an unusual Coda. Her mother is a deaf Mexican. Her father is a deaf American. Her grandmother, hearing, speaks English. To communicate with all three of them, she had to use Mexican Sign Language, ASL and spoken English. And her goal is to help the deaf in China, which led her to learn a 4th language - Mandarin. She just gave a speech at the annual National Chinese Language Conference, detailing her communication experiences with her parents.     Deaf jobs - latest update 05/12/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:    

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