DeafDigest - 13 November 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, November 13, 2015   -- a deaf chef with a big dream Chef Jeffrey Perri is deaf, and has experience, working the kitchen at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore and then currently at National Aquarium in Baltimore. He has a big dream - to establish a Culinary Academy for the Deaf. In hopes of achieving this dream he is competing in the Carroll County Biz Challenge (Maryland). If he wins, he will use the prize money to open the program for the deaf. A picture of him is at:   -- hearing person says deaf is dangerous A hearing person said: I am scared of deaf people because if I do not understand they will hit me Deaf person hitting a hearing person over a misunderstanding? Well, this comment was made by a scared hearing person in Zaire.   -- discrimination in gaming A veteran deaf gamer was interviewed about dealing with discrimination in computer games. This gamer said there is no game right now that is deaf-friendly. And while there was one deaf-friendly game, the company went out of business some time back. What kind of discrimination? A hearing person could hear bees swarming in the game background and know what to do on moving objects on the screen. A deaf gamer knows nothing and loses valuable game points!   -- beep ... take it or leave it ... do view it at: DeafDigest is not involved with it.     Latest deaf jobs: or click on "jobs" past Mid-Week & morning editions: 11/8/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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