DeafDigest - 13 October 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - October 13, 2017   -- Coda asks who pays Doris Roberts, a Coda, owns a company that hires deaf and disabled inviduals. She made a comment: I am very familiar with ADA. I'm also familiar with people saying we're adopting this and we do all this work but there's no funding that goes with it A picture is at:   -- red, green & blue lights Teams of researchers at Hyundai have been working on ideas to help deaf drivers. One such suggestion are these three colors - red, green and blue lights. Red is to warn of fire trucks, green to warn of ambulances and blue for police cars and honking drivers. These colors would be inside the dashboard. Why not just one light instead of three different lights? Some drivers may have hard time memorizing which color stands for which situation!   -- instructor, camera, interpreter, iPad Fernando Ramirez-Savon, a deaf resident of New Mexico, always wanted to be a truck driver. For years he was frustrated until the Department of Transportation finally allowed the deaf to become truck drivers. He went to a truck driving school. The school instructors and the interpreters came up with a communication system. The instructor would sit in the passenger's seat. A camera would face the interpreter sitting in the back seat. The iPad would be mounted on top of dashboard. Everyone was happy with it. And this deaf student already has a truck driving job lined up.   Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- world's most famous deaf musician 10/08/17 Blue and Gold editions at:   -- Deaf Job of the Day (each day new job announcement)

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