DeafDigest - 13 September 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, September 13, 2013     -- Disney plans a movie about a deaf female deputy sheriff Susie Cambre, who is deaf, has been in the law enforcement field for over 30 years as investigator, police officer and sheriff's deputy in several Louisiana counties. She had to overcome two obstacles - being a female and her deafness. No one wanted to hire her - she never gave up and fought, fought and fought to get these police jobs. Disney will do a movie and a book about her life story.     -- Philadelphia Sports Radio Show host angry at Deaf football fans When Washington Redskins played Philadephia Eagles in a NFL football game, the Eagles won. It made several deaf Redskins fans angry about it. They created a video, in ASL, that mocked the Eagles team and the Eagles fans. This lack of respect made a Philadephia Sports Radio Show host very angry about it. He posted on a web site, scolding these deaf fans for their bad behavior!     -- IBM no longer good to the deaf? For a long time, IBM had a great reputation for giving jobs to the deaf and for their great pension, great health insurance and for no layoffs, etc. These deaf IBM employees were greatly admired by the Deaf Community for these reasons. Not any more. IBM started to buy out the deaf employees, started to lay them off. And for the deaf people with retirement health insurance coverages, IBM is trying to push them towards Medicare Advantage or Medigap policies. It may affect all of their coverages (medical, drugs, dental and vision). Said a worried deaf IBM retiree: I have to review the material IBM sent me     Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 09/08/13 Blue edition at: 09/08/13 Gold edition at:

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