DeafDigest - 13 September 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - September 13, 2019 -- Deaf Dollar or Hearing Dollar Russell Stein, deaf owner of Mozzeria, the pizzeria in San Francisco, was quoted in an interview, as very slightly revised: I read an article recently that shows how in Asian communities, a dollar circulates for 28 days. In the Jewish community, it’s 19 days. In the black community, it’s 6 hours. In the Deaf community, that dollar is gone out of the community in just seconds. DeafDigest's response: Employing the deaf in the Mozzeria kitchen is more important than worrying on how long the Deaf Dollar stays in the Deaf Community! It is not realistic to drive 40-50 miles to a deaf-owned store just to make sure the Deaf Dollar stays in the community.   -- sharp decrease in lipreading percentage A deaf woman who works as a Legal Assistant said that the last time she was tested for lipreading she was rated at 98 percent accuracy but admitted that it is now around 70 percent accuracy in everyday life. This is not a surprise - those that run lipreading tests may possibly inflate the percentage to make their audiology clinic look good?   -- hearing man angry that Burger King hired a deaf person A hearing man tweeted, saying it was wrong for Burger King to hire the deaf as order taker. Burger King responded, and was praised everywhere for shaming that hearing man. It could only take place in Indonesia!     Deaf jobs - latest update 09/08/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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