DeafDigest - 14 April 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, April 14, 2015   -- a surprise beach discovery 315,000 pieces of stuff were lost in the sands of the beaches of New Jersey last year. One such stuff is interesting - a hearing aid!   -- a self-made retired teacher of the deaf A deaf teacher at a deaf school retired about ten years ago. What is he doing nowaways? Busier than ever with a long list of civic and community activities in the Deaf Community. And on the side he owns rental houses that he is his own landlord, repairman and rental manager. While he gets retirement checks every month, is he able to live on only the rental income? He said yes! Something very admirable.   -- messing up a school board meeting In Dearborn, Michigan, the school board opened its meeting with an agenda to discuss. The deaf program was not on the agenda. This meeting was interrupted by a large group of angry parents of deaf children that crashed the room uninvited. They were angry because the board wanted to close the deaf program. The room was so crowded that everyone had to stand. For nearly three hours, parent after parent took turns explaining to the board how important the deaf program was to their children. Could this happen in Congress or in State Houses? No, but it happened in Dearborn.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest for subscription changes, go to, click "subscribe" icon & follow screen instructions past Mid-Week editions: 4/12/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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