DeafDigest - 14 April 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - April 14, 2020 -- Deafness as a superpower Connie is a deaf character in The Walking Dead, a TV version of the comic book series. This role is played by Lauren Ridloff, who is deaf. Connie was told by one of the characters that her deafness is not a weakness, but a superpower!   -- a positive or a negative comment An interpreter, in a newspaper interview, said that ASL is not his language, despite being fluent with it. DeafDigest is not sure if it is a negative comment?   -- cops would not know of person's disability Ohio has a database law. It would help police officers know of person's disability - but it will not specify which disability. Is it deafness or something else? This is for the cops to find out! And besides, not just any deaf person can sign up; it must be verified by a doctor or a psychologist or a psychiatrist! A hassle? Very much so.     Deaf jobs - latest update 04/12/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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