DeafDigest - 14 August 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - August 14, 2020 -- deaf instructor at a private swimming school SafeSplash is a nationally recognized school that teaches safe swimming for everyone. One of the instructors at the SafeSplash facility in Colorado is Brian Bennett, one of the best swimmers in Gallaudet's swimming history. At SafeSplash he demonstrates the swimming strokes and tells his hearing students to copy him stroke for stroke. At that private school, he won the Instructor of the Year honor.   -- changing the routine rail station announcements There are rapid rail systems in major American cities. Many of these have read-out displays announcing the next stops. How many of these systems can change from next-stop announcements to emergency announcements? This was the issue an activist pointed out.   -- a sad incident at a deaf school New York State School for the Deaf was defaced by graffiti on its property. The person doing the graffiti work was: a former student and also a frustrated job applicant at his alma mater Very sad.   Deaf jobs - latest update 08/09/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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