DeafDigest - 14 February 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - February 14, 2017 -- union problems in Los Angeles DeafWest is one of the top deaf acting groups in USA. It has won national acclaim for producing top plays. And this leads to a problem - union rules. Union says actors must be paid for their work. A big issue is performing in a small theater (99 seats or under) or a bigger theater (100 seats or higher). DeafWest is worried that if expenses go up, because of union rules, the future may be troubled. A picture is at:   -- a bad Coda habit A story in one of these today's newspapers featured a Coda. She said that while growing up, she was always using the telephone to make appointments with doctors, dentists, hairdressers, etc. And at restaurants, placing orders for her family. One habit she found hard to break was to continue placing orders at restaurants even for her hearing husband and hearing children!   -- cannot hide deafness at work A British survey said that one of every five employees hide their disability in the workplace. They hide to avoid being fired or being bullied or harrassed. This refers to hearing employees with their own (hidden) disabilities. Deaf employees are simply out of luck.     Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- airport TSA booths 2/12/17 Blue and Gold editions at:  

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