DeafDigest - 14 January 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, January 14, 2015   -- a strange movie about the deaf In Argentina there is a new movie about the deaf. It is strange. The name of the film is Deaf. Yes, Deaf. There are no interpreters. There are no voiceovers. There is no plot. There is no script. And the deaf actors perform without rehearsals. Why? The hearing director wants to show the world that nothing is easy for the deaf! Will this movie succeed with hearing audiences? Good question!   -- a deaf Biggar A deaf Biggar. Yes. Biggar? Emilie Biggar is a deaf Australian woman. She and her hearing friend have been cooking their winning recipes on the popular Australian Food TV show - My Kitchen Rules. It is the same idea as the show Chopped shown in USA. And if they continue to win, the reward is $100,000 in Australian dollars. Her specialty is sweets (cakes, pies, cookies, pastries).   -- a famous deaf person is absent-minded A famous deaf person already won the 2015 Most Absent-Minded Award even though 2015 has just started! This absent-minded person is football player Derrick Coleman. He showed his Super Bowl ring to people around him. And when he returned to his rental car, he put the ring on the car seat instead of putting it in his pocket. He returned the rental car but forgot all about that ring! Lucky for him that the next person who rented the same car was a football agent. He recognized the ring and had it returned to Derrick! He and the agent didn't know each other personally.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions 1/11/15 Blue edition at: 1/11/15 Gold edition at:  

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