DeafDigest - 14 January 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, January 14, 2016 -- a surprise about a successful deaf actress Abhinaya Anand is a successful deaf actress in Bollywood (or better known as India Hollywood). She is deaf, but won the leading female character in a new movie. She herself does not use her own speech in her movie roles. Instead, she lip-syncs all of her speaking parts, even in languages she does not know! It may be possible the hearing people may think her speech is perfect, not realizing she does not speak at all and that the voice is put in for her. A picture of Abhinaya is at:   -- communication in deaf dentist's suite DeafDigest editor had to have some dental work done in the suite of Dr. Steven L. Rattner, Gaithersburg, MD, who is deaf. The assistant who helps with Rattner, is also deaf. While having teeth drilled, DeafDigest editor watched the way Rattner and his assistant communicate, especially with their face masks, and hands holding dental instruments. They wiggle their fingers, use body language, use elbows, shake their heads, etc - just about anything to get communication going! Hearing dentists and hearing assistants just use voice. With the deaf, it is interesting!   -- $500.00 per deaf person Paul Clark, executive vice-president and chair of the Toronto-Dominion Bank's people with disabilities committee, supports the hiring of the deaf and the disabled in banking positions. He did some cost analysis and said that the cost (one-time only) of hiring the deaf is just $500.00 per deaf employee. Do banks in USA share the same thoughts? Hope so.   Latest deaf jobs: or click on "jobs" past Mid-Week & morning editions: 01/10/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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