DeafDigest - 14 January 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - January 14, 2019   -- a vague business license South Lake Tahoe, Nevada announced that a business license was issued to an individual. It said it was for sign language Sign language teacher or Sign Language interpreter? Not all sign language teachers are interpreters; not all sign language interpreters are sign language teachers!   -- many deaf owned businesses, no business directory? There was a story about the state of Maryland having these approximately 75 deaf-owned businesses. This is great - just that there is no directory that lists these deaf-owned businesses! Deaf people in Maryland, as well as in these neigbhoring areas of Washington, DC and Virginia would love to know if there are deaf locksmiths, deaf car mechanics, deaf house painters, deaf carpenters, deaf attorneys, deaf accountants and so on.   -- hated being followed by interpreters everywhere A deaf woman, who enrolled at a hearing college years ago, was always followed by interpreters everywhere she went - no matter where - classrooms, dorms, athletic practices, social events, etc. She hated it. As a result, she transferred to Gallaudet. DeafDigest is mentioning it because there was a story today of an Ivy League deaf freshamn student being followed by two interpreters everywhere. He said he likes being followed; will he continue to like it or will he get tired of it?     Deaf jobs – latest update 01/13/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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