DeafDigest - 14 July 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, July 14, 2015 morning   -- taking advanage of supermarket's money give-away in Kansas, Dillon's is a well known supermarket chain. This supermarket is planning to give away two million dollars. A deaf leader in Kansas suggested that Kansas Association of the Deaf can earn $500,000. All it takes is to use supermarket's PLUS card on all purchases by signing up the state association as the agency that will get a percentage of each purchase. That easy? Should be, but not that easy, anyway!     -- a much-stronger USA men's basketball team lost to weaker Lithuania heavily favored USA men's basketball team lost in the world deaf basketball championship finals to Lithuania. How could this happen? The Americans missed too many easy lay ups; the Americans were lazy in defense and did not rebound too hard; and committed too many fouls. Said a fan: each time we made a mistake, the Lithuanians took advantage of it To be fair, the Lithuanian team practiced year around whereas the Americans only had a few practices to get ready for the championship. The Lithuanians only had two players that were 6'6 wheres the Americans had 6'7, 6'7, 6'8, 6'9 players. It was a game Americans should not have lost but did. At least the Americans have the upcoming Deaflympics gold to shoot for.     past Mid-Week & morning editions:     7/12/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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