DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - July 14, 2017
-- interesting comment by Deaf West artistic director David Kurs
We have two big deaf-run theatrical companies in USA - Deaf West
and National Theatre of the Deaf. Both companies deal with
discrimination - meaning frustrated deaf actors that lose
deaf roles to these fake-deaf actors. Deaf West artistic
director David Kurs, who is deaf, made an interesting
comment in an email interview. He said that hearing directors
are aware of skills and abilities of talented deaf actors
but just do not want to hire them for deaf-roles, preferring
fake-deaf actors. These directors feel that deaf actors
should be "happy" to have opportunities with a deaf-run
theatrical company! A picture is at:
-- Readers' Digest article about sign language
When deaf people sign, they don't think grammar. It, in
fact, is thrown out of the window! Instead they rely
on facial expressions, head movements and even moving
of the eyes - as well as body language. People who
try to follow grammatical rules in sign language are
simply lost! This was one of the articles in the
Readers' Digest.
-- deaf kids in public schools
Let us take Colorado as a typical state. Exactly
what does mainstreaming mean? For some districts
in Colorado, all deaf students are housed in
one building, whereas in other districts,
deaf students are scattered everywhere.
Which is better? The more deaf students
the better social opportunities are for
them. But no one likes to take long
bus rides to a single deaf building in
the district!
Latest deaf jobs
Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update)
-- special travel tour for deaf
7/09/17 Blue and Gold editions at: