DeafDigest - 14 June 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, June 14, 2016 -- health and safety reasons in job discrimination You apply for a job. You put down "deaf" on the job application form - and the human resources office say they cannot hire you because of health and safety reasons! This is what huamn resources director told the deaf applicant that the insurance company requires - health and aafety. It is job application discrimination. See the picture at:   -- a worry by a deaf newsgroup A long-existing deaf newsgroup on Yahoo posted a concern - that despite wealth of deaf-related information, no one reads it - despite a high number of subscribers. This group has blamed faat-changing internet for the readership and response decline!   -- crooked deaf agency The Kyrgyz Deaf Association in Kyrgyzstan was given the responsibility by the government to take care of 255 apartments for use by deaf residents. When an apartment is vacant, the agency is supposed to give it to the next deaf person on the waiting list. This agency, however, was not honest and gave the vacant apartments to people not on the waiting list! The government is not happy about it and is investigating. Not known what the punishment would be if the agency is found guilty.   Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- job, unusual, for deaf King 06/12/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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