DeafDigest - 14 June 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - June 14, 2017   -- appointment for doctor to certify deafness on driver's license The North Carolina Senate Rules Committee supported a proposed bill to set up a deafness symbol on driver's license. Purpose is to tell cops of driver's deafness during traffic stops. Good or bad? It is up to the deaf driver to get that deafness symbol. And to get that symbol the driver's doctor must sign paper to certify deafness. This means the hassle of setting up an appointment for a five-second signature! And besides, the alarmed cop may think the deaf driver is reaching out for something dangerous in a pocket, not realizing it is just a wallet! A picture is at:   -- we need a simple deaf press release DeafDigest editor received a press release from an organization serving the deaf. It basically said: Joe Doe (name is fictional) to receive a government honor The XYZ Association of the Deaf (name is fictional) is having a ceremony to honor Joe Doe. He has severe-to-profound hearing loss, when Universal Newborn Hearing Screening to discover congenital hearing loss didn't exist in many states. He wore hearing aids until two CI's were inserted at young age.     Why couldn't the XYZ Association keep it simple and say that Joe Doe was born deaf and became a professional success in the years to come. Just keep it simple!   -- reason for some council members opposing captions bill Pawtucket, Rhode Island became the second American city to require captions at public facilities, ie bars and restaurants. The bill was narrowly passed by the city council for one reason. The opponents were afraid that the "required" captions would turn off bar customers, forcing them to leave for another bar outside of Pawtucket that has no law on captions! The first city, by the way, is Portland, Oregon.     Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- deaf probation officer 6/11/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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