DeafDigest - 14 June 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - June 14, 2019 -- not enough captioners Are the Americans lacking in professional captioners that do real-time captions on our TV programs? There was a newspaper stor that said: captioners: An Under-Marketed Profession This would mean no one really knows about captioning as a profession for those that are seeking great careers?   -- boom in deaf people with doctorates Way back in the 1980's, the number of deaf people earning doctorates were a few. University of Southern Maine did a survey and said right now we have 700 deaf people all over the world with doctorates. DeafDigest is interested in knowing how many were profoundly deaf and use ASL and still earn doctorates?     -- getting more deaf people in the nursing profession Deaf nurses in hospitals? Why not! Pushing for more qualified deaf nurses is The Independence Center which hosts its own Certified Nursing Assistant program in Colorado Springs, CO with interpreters. ASL-signing nurses is what deaf patients desperately need.     Deaf jobs - latest update 06/09/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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