DeafDigest - 14 March 2016

Collections - It is Barry's E-Book of his best articles published in many publications since the early 1960's. He wrote for DeafDigest, Silent Worker,Deaf American, NAD Broadcaster, Silent News, The Frat and many others. Most of these publications are no longer in business! This list is growing and will be added on a regular basis. Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) Job, toughest in India -   Barry's selected articles, titles in alphabetical order: Accommodations cost - Actor, accidental - Actors, deaf and casting directors - ADA comedy of errors - ADA coverage - ADA, deaf survived without it - ADA regulations not enforced - ADA, three key words - Advocacy efforts backfired - AgBell early name - Agency hypocrisy - Agreement, among three different national deaf organizations - Airplanes built by deaf man - Airport incident - Airport TSA booths - Airport ticket counter - Anger, at famous deaf person - Anti-closed-captions person comment - Appearances, for interpreters - Apps, too many - Arrests on Friday, the 13th - Artist - Cadwaller Washburn - Artist, deaf wildlife stamps - Artist, deaf artist fame is mysterious - Artist, Goya, big irony - Artist, sand - ASL, used wrong way - ASL as child abuse, state official - ASL, easier way to learn - ASL interpreter for ASL instructor - ASL pioneer - Stokoe, Bill - ASL interpreters and ASL teachers - Astronomer - Cannon, Anne Jump - Astronomer, deaf, could have won Nobel - Astronomer, self-taught, Olaf Hassel - Attorney, deaf - Lowell Myers - Attorney, deaf, tricks of trade - Auction with hearing friend - Auctions without interpreters - Australia, detains deaf traveler - Australia Outback scout - Author, mystery novels - Avoiding the word deaf - Backgammon, top deaf player - Backstabbing, deaf or hearing - Bank branch, deaf manager - Bank, deaf owned - Bank robber, suspected deaf - Basic rights of the deaf - Bell & Edison - Blacksmith, deaf - Bleeps, fake - Board member, surprise - Burglar, trapped - Bus Driving paradox - Businessman, colorful - Lee Brody - Businessman & leader - Spears, Anson - Capital Hill Deafness resource person - Captioner, early movies - Romero, Emerson - Captioned glasses or captioning devices - Captioned news, earliest - Captioning devices, hated - Captions hero - Captions pioneer Malcolm Norwood - Captions, turning it on - Captions, word captioned five different ways - Car battery and the deaf - Case Manager - Certified Deaf Interpreters hate these questions - Certified Deaf Interpreters, few facts - Chef, deaf, chopped - Chef, deaf, government palace - Chess, dangerous activity - CIA - deaf officer - Civil War, deaf fact or myth - Civil War and the deaf - Clarke School, unbelievable incident - Classified ads, Beadell, William - Clock tower, deaf repairman - Clueless medical clinic staff - Coast Guard Auxiliary - Cocktail, invented by deaf bartender - Codas that fake deafness - Coffee chain, hiring the deaf - College named after deaf person - Barnard, Frederick - Comic book big mystery - Comic book, deaf-produced - Comment, worst about deaf - Communication, notes or interpreters - Construction company, deaf owner - Contract bridge rules revolutionized by deaf player - Contradiction - Deaf Father and Hearing Son - Corporation CEO & Chairperson - Grove, Andrew, Intel Corp - Corporation president - Charles Percy - Correspondence courses - Cosmetics, deaf woman involved - Counterfeiter, deaf - Cousins, deaf surprise - Cowboy-type posse, member of - Craters named after deaf - Criminals - Cruise ships, worst for deaf - Crook, deaf - CSUN deaf enrollment - Customer service representative, face to face - Dancing with the Stars, a fact - Deaflympics Gold medals (10) stolen - Deaf Aliens - Deaf bill, fear - Deaf community, redlining - Deaf criminals, unlucky - Deaf Culture disagreement - Stewart, Larry - Deaf device, illegally helping hearing - Deaf diplomat, discrimination - Deaf fighting deaf - deaf-friendly factory - Deaf Hire, strangest - Murray, Bill - Deaf hotelier - things about Wirth we didn't know about - http://deafdigest. com/things-about-wirth-we-didnt-know-about/ Deaf House by Bernie Brown - Deaf House perfection - Deaf, invisible - Deaf House with warrant - Deaf Jobs hard to fill - Deaf Mass Protest, first - Deaf Monkey comment - Deaf organizations, paralyzed - Deaf people - true or false - Deaf prisoner and parole issues - Deaf school closed up quickly - Deafness, disability or culture - Deafness, faked - Delegate, deaf, Maryland House of Delegates - Dental Association, state president - Dentist, Philadelphia contacts - Devices for deaf, all burnt out - Diplomat, Foreign Service, deaf - Discrimination examples - Discrimination law suits, short or lengthy - Dishwasher, deaf genius - Doctor, deaf - shock - Doctor, different communications - Documents cover, deaf design - Dog, fooling his deaf master - Dog walker, decision - Dummy Hoy, closed his shop - Early intervention mess - EEOC priority - Economist, labor - Schowe, Ben - Edison's 400 lightbulbs - Education, deaf grand slam - Elected deaf officials - Embarrassment, British - Employee, new hearing - Employee, obnoxious hearing - Employer can ask and cannot ask - Employment barriers - Employment challenges - Employment diversity - Employment, high for deaf in one past field - Employment seeking - Engineering helping the deaf - Entertainer's secrets - Eugenics - Eugenicist, anti-deaf - Excavation, deaf - Facts, deaf children - Facts, deaf - impossible; family feud - Fast food order - Federal agencies, discrimination complaints - Filmmaker in early years, deaf - Films, deafness themes - Fire chief, deaf - Kite, Mark - Flashing relay call - Football, Queen Elizabeth lipreading - Functionally hearing - Fund raising letter sent to deaf person - Fundraising, unusual way - Funeral home operations, deaf - Gallaudet Special Train - Gallaudet trustee - Laurel Glass - Gambling and the deaf - Gas delivery company, deaf owned - Genes, hearing in a deaf family - Gesture misunderstandings - Gestures, hearing people not understand - Girl Scouts, deaf founder - Golf balls, lost - Golf country club course deaf superintendent - Goodyear Tire factory - Greeting cards company, deaf designer - Handcuffed deaf man - Hard of hearing person, defining - Hate - Health-no-interpreter - Hearing aid battery and the deaf - Hearing aid bribe - Hearing aid or CI - Hearing aid high costs - Hearing aid, real cost - Hearing aids and medicare - Hearing need captions - Hearing screening, deaf babies - Hearing world, depending on lipreading - Heavy equipment operator - Highways, noisy - History, big deaf role - Hog farmer, deaf woman - Hollywood fakery and the deaf - Horror tales - Hotel engineer, deaf - Hotel owner, Rome, best hotel in world - House hunting - Hypnotism, deaf - Ice Cream truck vendor, deaf - India royal family, deaf member - Insults, deaf and hearing - Insurance companies, past discrimination - Insurance executive -Van Nevel, Al - International incident by deaf - Internet pioneer was deaf - Internet service provider, deaf-owned - Interpreter and the deaf - Interpreter, future that we hate - Interpreter ground rules - Interpreter, not allowed to do something - Interpreter, unavailable at sales presentation - Interpreter in court room - Interpreters in rural areas - Interpreters refused for non-americans - Interpreters, theatrical objections - Interpreters, small towns - Interpreting challenges - Interpreting issue, sticky - Interpreting horror stories - Inventor helping the deaf - issues important to deaf - Issues, college disability support services - Jailed despite court dismissal - Job, dream for deaf - Job, toughest in India - Job, unusual for Deaf King - Jobs, easier for deaf to get - Jobs, hard to get - Jobs, important, that deaf don't apply - Judges, deaf - Jury, Japanese contradiction - Knowing more - Language rights, deaf children - Laura Bridgman, deaf-blind - Law - California Free TTY law - Law Clinic, cancelled - Legal issues in courtroom - Legislative insider advice on deaf bills - Legislative bill amended too many times - Legislative procedures, strange regarding deaf - Legislative tricks for deaf bills - Library fingerprinting - Licking party - Lifeguard, Colombo, Leroy - Lipreading device - Little Paper Family - Logistics account executive - Make-Up deaf artist in entertainment industry - Manager, fast food restaurant - Marlee Matlin, writer was wrong - Martha's Vineyard timeline - McCay Vernon, remembering him - Meatpacking break-room talks led to csd - Medicare vs Medicaid - Medical doctors that are deaf - Medical researcher - deaf, Sharpless, Nansie - Medical School instructor, Ballantyne, Donald - Medical school instructor, Robert Simmons - Men's Health Magazine - Mental Health psychologist - Brauer, Barbara - Microchip, deaf - Mistake and insult - Mocking the deaf, reasons - Model - Norton, Audree - Movie consultants, wasted money - Movie, possible painful memories - Movies, accents - Movies, best with deaf characters - Movies, downloading captioned or non-captioned - Movies, Oscar for deaf - Music, invisible - Music percussionist - Glennie, Evelyn - Myths, deafness - NAD Conference embarrassment - NASA  and the CI - NASA deaf experiment - National Association of the Deaf, Branch Office - National Leadership Training Program at CSUN - National pageant winner - Whitestone, Heather - Native American sign language - Obama, deaf women under him - Oil fields job - One story, two national honors - Open captioned movies difficulties - Optometrist, deaf - Oral school, comparing past histories - Oral talking machine - Oscar top moments, ignoring the deaf - Pageant act without music - Parole board discrimination - Patents office, deaf employee role - Pathologist, Pachiarz, Judith - Pepsi, Super Bowl - Pharmacy perfect for deaf - Photographer, many magazine credits - Physician, deaf and frustrated - Physician snap decisions - Pigeons, homing - deaf racer - Pilot, deaf female pioneer - Pilots, deaf airplane and helicopter - Pizza chain thanks Gallaudet - Plants, named after deaf woman - Poker, best deaf player - Police advice - Political arrest of deaf man - Prisoner won a request - Probation officer, deaf - Police Officer, deaf, only one to die in line of duty - Portland, interpreter brutality - Postmaster, deaf - Presidents past links with the deaf - Printer, state official - Prison officer, friend of deaf, lost his job - Prosecutor, federal - Pravda, Doug - Professor, honest or insulting - Public Law wording, a joke - Rancher, pioneering deaf - Reality-tv-show-deaf-participant - Recreation Center, named after deaf person - Relay call hangups - Relay operators, switched - Royal families, deaf members - Russian tour by Big Four - School for deaf - Schools, military training in deaf schools - Scientist, deaf - Scientists, deaf female - Seventeenth century deaf- Shop talk - Shoulder tap - Shoulder tap, almost violent fight - Sign Language, put to death and revived - Sign language, international - Sign Language skills levels - Smart911 and deaf - Smiley inventor - Yasushi, Wakabayashi - Social network in small towns - Spinal Meningitis in the past - SSDI facts - SSDI more facts - Statistician, without computers - Steamboat trip, wasted - Story has two sides - Street, named after non-famous deaf person - Street performer, deaf - Students, bored with Deaf Education - Supreme Court and Deaf Education - Supreme Court cases interpreters - Surgeon, deaf in Spain - Surgery, hearing loss - Teasing deaf person, big mistake - Theatrical plays, tips - Things to hate - Ticket windows, deaf sellers - Titanic deaf connection - Titanic - only deaf passenger - Top Secret profession, deaf employee - Towels with different colors - Trade tricks by deaf newspaper reporter - Trading floor, investments, deaf man - Traffic stop at night - Travel tour, special for deaf - Truck driving, advocate, deaf - Truck driving, deafness comments - Turning down big business deal - Turnovers, deaf vs hearing - TV cable company, deaf-owned - TV longest continuing deaf host - TV newscaster - TV open captions - TV program, first with leading deaf character - TV, risk by killing off deaf characters played by deaf actors - University golden eras - Upholsterers, deaf - Veterinary student kicked out - Video relay abuse - Videos, bad captions - Visual displays - Voice relay calls, avoiding - W letter challenge - Waiter, deaf was best -  Wal-mart, deaf opportunities - Wheel of Fortune - World traveler, deaf - World War I - deaf role - World War I, deaf volunteers - World War II, deaf lieutenant - Wrong gifts for deaf - Zoo, deaf owners -  

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