DeafDigest - 14 March 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - March 14, 2018   -- deaf eyes: fact or a joke A deaf woman told a newspaper reporter that she can see from the back of her head plus catching facial expressions of people behind her. Fact or fiction? Was she just making a joke with with the newspaper reporter and he took her seriously? A picture is at:   -- passing the survival training exam A deaf man applied for a job in the offshore oil industry. A Catch-22 situation came up. He had to get the survival training certificate but was not allowed to take such classes without approval from the industry. This oil industry would not allow deaf people to get offshore jobs. He went to one oil company and convinced them that even though he couldn't hear alarms and helicopters, team members would alert him to these dangers. The company waived the requirement and he was able to take the training classes.   -- small town dealing with cost of web updating Alpena, Michigan is a small town of some 9,000 people. The town board agreed to have its web site updated to make it ADA-compliant. Cost would be nearly $5,000. The town supervisor said: It's an expenditure that we're going to have to face no matter what     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- visual displays not always perfect 03/11/18 Blue and Gold editions & options at:

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