DeafDigest - 14 May 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, May 14, 2014   -- deaf people picketing in front of Amazon’s headquarters Right now in London, where Amazon’s headquarters is located, there are deaf people that are picketing. Why? Because Amazon is not captioning their videos. Who is leading the picket line? It is England’s most famous comedian, Mark Thomas! First, it was Netflix, now it is Amazon. What is next?   -- 2 years for approval on app to help deaf with mobile phones Two years ago, a company came up with an app that will convert voice to real-time captions on mobile phones. This was supposed to be a breakthrough for the deaf that want to communicate with the hearing. But it was a two year wait. Why? Because the FCC was slow in approving it. Why was FCC slow about it? Fear of relay fraud reaching the mobile phone sector! Now that the FCC has approved it, the company expects to have it ready for the market this coming July.   -- settlement in deaf-employee harassment case Bob Delaney, not deaf, resigned last year as the county clerk of St Clair County in Illinois. He was accused by the Department of Human Rights for harassing many employees. One of the employees he harassed was deaf. These harassed employees have received settlement money in exchange for not pursuing additional legal action. The money the deaf man reached settlement will be about $100,000.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 05/11/14 Blue edition at: 05/11/14 Gold edition at:  

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