DeafDigest - 14 May 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, May 14, 2015 morning   -- cruel luck came to a deaf fork lift driver A deaf man worked for 20 years as a fork lift driver for a large company. Suddenly he was out of job. Fired or laid off or what? None. He was doing a great job. The company warehouse was on fire, a total loss. The owner closed his business. Since then no one wanted to hire that experienced fork lift driver - because of his deafness!   -- bad captions or no captions? Which is worse - bad captions or no captions? The U.S. Department of Justice said that Miami University (Ohio) gave a deaf student videos for his class. These videos were captioned - but the captioning was so bad that he could not follow the viewing.   past Mid-Week editions: 5/10/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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