DeafDigest - 14 May 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - May 14, 2019 -- important deaf person at a world-wide financial newspaper Ben Fletcher, who is deaf, is an engineer with the Financial Times, a financial newspaper published in London, which is read all over the world by financial people, business people and economists. It competes with the Wall Street Journal. Anyway, Ben, who is also deaf-blind, helps design printing machinery which makes smoother the publication of these newspapers. He must make sure the machinery does not mess up and delay the newspaper distributions on a daily basis. This is the reason why he is important.   -- world's largest sign language class Utah State University is trying to get into the Guinness World Record for the biggest sign language class ever. A joke? Well, the goal of the sign language teachers is to enroll 1,500 people to attend a class at a public arena so that the university can brag about it. Very difficult to learn sign language if there are 1,500 students around, screaming and making noises. The smaller the sign language class, the better it is for hearing students to learn these signs.   -- Deaf Economy Is there such a thing as Deaf Economy? A recent newspaper story said that the establishment of a new deaf-owned business is going to help Deaf Economy. Not exactly sure what the newspaper is saying! Deaf Economy means one thing - that all deaf people would buy products, services and goods from these deaf owned business. Is it Deaf Economy if a deaf person drives across the city just to buy one thing from a deaf-owned business? Don't know - but economists love to disagree over everything related to economics!     Deaf jobs - latest update 05/12/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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