DeafDigest - 14 May 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - May 14, 2020 -- deaf people wanting to buy houses A real estate advisor said that deaf people that want to buy houses need to use the services of a deaf realtor or ASL-fluent realtor. True - but not every major city has a deaf realtor or ASL-fluent realtor!   -- suggested reading for the deaf, books on body language To avoid boredom during the Pandemic quarantine, there was a suggestion - read books on body language so that deaf people would know which hearing people discriminate against them. Some hearing people may not say a word but their anti-deaf body language may speak volumes!   -- hearing afraid of deaf drivers Are hearing drivers afraid of deaf drivers? There was a story in a newspaper in the Philippines about hearing drivers being afraid of deaf drivers! They see the "DEAF" word on their license plants and know the driver is deaf. As a result, they drive away from the deaf, even if it means high speed on the highways just to avoid the deaf. It is hard to believe.     Deaf jobs - latest update 05/10/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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