DeafDigest - 14 May 2021

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - May 14, 2021 -- Akron finally recognizes the deaf Akron is now displaying a new statue which honors the huge contributions the deaf made to the city. The statue has a kiosk; hope it is deaf-friendly. The contributions were: Ben Schowe, who was deaf, was a labor economist, pushing for deaf rights with Firestone deaf employed at rubber plants were valued as noise didn't bother them growth of Deaf Population as #1 largest in USA Goodyear's training of "Silent Squadron" which was tasked with doing all tasks the plant expected of them Goodyear Silents semi-pro football team that won championships and had games with Akron Pros, an early year NFL team!   -- big reason some prison officers don't like ASL There are sign languages communicated by hearing prisoners, which is not ASL. Some prison officers feel that ASL, with a lot of facial expressions, may be the same as one of sign languages used by the hearing (coded communications). This is the reason why some ASL interpreters are given hard time in some prisons.   -- second deaf wedding in NBC's Bride & Groom A while ago DeafDigest mentioned that the marriage of Roy Pyles and his wife was featured in the NBC's 1954 Bride & Groom program. It was learned that there was another deaf marriage on TV - of Archie and Roberta Woodie shown on the same program, at a different time in 1954.   Deaf jobs - latest update 05/09/21 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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