DeafDigest - 14 November 2012

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, November 14, 2012   -- a hospital polluting a school for the deaf in India The Wockhardt Hospital poured bio-medical waste on the property of the nearby Shankar Nagar School for the Deaf, thus polluting the campus. The local government was angry and fined the hospital a big amount of money and ordered the school property to be cleaned up. Maybe the hospital don't care about the deaf? Hearing people of India say deaf people are deaf mutes.   -- a follow up on the near-riot in soccer involving a deaf player DeafDigest mentioned a deaf British soccer player, causing a near riot when he confronted the fans that were mocking his deafness. It was learned that the reason fans were mocking him was because he, lacking speech skills, used funny noise to communicate with his teammates during the game. The owner of the club that the deaf player was competing against is John Griffin, the wealthy owner of a taxi cab fleet. The owner made things worse by mocking the player's deafness. Public uproar forced Griffin to apologize! And Griffith forgot one thing - that some of his taxi customers are deaf.   -- a Coda politician that helps the deaf We have a Coda governor in USA (South Dakota). Does he really help the deaf? Good question - but in Australia, there is a Coda Member of the Parliament (MP) that wants to help the deaf. MP David Gibson is fighting for improvement in Australia's text paging services to give access to the deaf in case of emergencies. A perfect example would be a car breakdown by a deaf driver in the Outbacks. Population is very low in that huge area of land.   -- will the Deaf Beer die? A popular craft beer in New Zealand is Emerson's. This small brewery was started in 1992 by Richard Emerson, who is deaf. New Zealanders rate Emerson's as one of the best beers around. Will it die? Well, this brewery was sold to a Japanese brewery and there are rumors that the new owners will shut down that beer. Already people in New Zealand are upset about it.   -- past NAD Executive Director Nancy J Bloch in a new job Nancy J Bloch served the NAD as Executive Director for 19 years before stepping down. She is now in a new position - Executive Director of communications and public records at Florida School for the Deaf and Blind, reporting to president Jeanne Glidden Prickett. Nancy is returning home, as she was born and raised in Florida.   11/11/12 Blue edition at: 11/11/12 Gold edition at:

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