DeafDigest - 14 November 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, November 14, 2016   -- illiterate police officer A deaf man in Burlington, Ontario was arrested on suspicion of theft. The deaf man was without an interpreter and was puzzled why was he arrested. He asked the police officer to please write down on a notepad explaining the reason for the arrest. Instead the police officer physically roughed him up. Much to the embarrassment of the city police department, someone took a video of the brutal beating and posted it on social media. When illiterate people are confronted with a notepad and a pen, they often behave very badly. So, was the police officer illiterate? A picture is at:   -- cost for a single-screen movie theater All movie theaters must provide captions, no matter if it is a big theater, with many screens, or a small theater with just one screen in a small town. For captioning equipment for that small single-screen theater, the cost, as estimated by Justice Department, is just over $3,000. Some small theaters can afford it, some can't and could be forced to get out of the movie business!   -- directory of deaf-owned businesses A new directory of deaf-owned businesses is coming up. There was an announcement about it few days ago. Unfortunately it is not in USA, but in Great Britain. Why not USA? There were several past attempts to come up with a list of American deaf owned businesses. These attempts were not successful.   Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- bank branch, deaf manager 11/13/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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