DeafDigest - 14 November 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - November 14, 2018   -- deaf person does not want captions A deaf woman, whose husband is hearing, wrote a letter a newspaper editor, saying she does not want captions on movies and TV. Even worse, she would not ask her hearing husband what the story and the dialogue is all about. She was afraid that hearing people would be bothered by unwanted captions!   -- deaf filmmaker has many roles Hollywood hires many different people for many different roles in making a movie. With Deaf Films, a deaf filmmaker does everything himself - writing, directing, producing, casting, starring in the film, marketing, publicity and making personal film appearances. This is why perfectly shown deaf films are amazing.   -- rubella possibly coming back Rubella is a disease that often causes deafness in babies. It comes back, goes away and then comes back and so on - possibly in 15-20 year cycles. When rubella hits hard, it results in higher enrollment among deaf children in deaf education programs. Right now it is hitting Japan hard, meaning it may spread across the globe.     Deaf jobs - latest update 11/11/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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