DeafDigest - 14 October 2012

DeafDigest Blue - October 14, 2012 Blue Edition              Barry Strassler, Editor - updated every Monday America's Unique Deaf Stories; subscription at no cost to you Serving the Deaf Community since 1996; 16th year -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- all videos below can be viewed in iPad Last week's ASL Videos with text: This week's ASL Videos with captions: -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Save on "Little Deaf Spies" at Harris Communications The Ranger's badge is missing and six girls become little Deaf spies to solve the mystery. With zany, suspenseful adventures and unexpected surprises they piece together the clues to find the missing badge. "Little Deaf Spies" is a heartwarming film written and produced by students at the Texas School for the Deaf. It is presented in American Sign Language and includes a 10 minute bonus clip on bullying. Order now and save! "Little Deaf Spies" (DVD360) is now only $29.99, regularly $35.00. Sale ends October 25, 2012. To find out more, go to: or contact us at: -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- DeafDigest welcomes unique deafnews tips; sources of unique deafnews are never revealed; always anonymous .... weekly DeafDigest Blue & Gold editions also posted at:  (updated every Monday) -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Use Hamilton Web Relay® along with a locally-based, 10-digit Hamilton HomeTown Number[tm] to make and receive calls without the interruptions that come from using instant messaging programs!  Don't have a HomeTown Number? Register today and share your number with friends and colleagues! Visit and click on the "Make & Receive Calls Now" icon to check it out. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- The DeafDigest is divided into Blue and Gold sections, both ranked equal in contents, features and ads. This is the Blue section. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Dedication: DeafDigest dedicates this edition to Edward E Corbett, the retired deaf Superintendent of Ohio School for the Deaf, who departed us. Ed was an interesting person - his love for congressional politics led him to establish a workshop in 1979 on Deaf Politics 101 on the grounds of Capitol Hill; his love for football led him to create a football viewing room, with banks of TV sets and theatre-style seats in the basement of his home; and as a state official, was licensed to perform marriages (he officiated approximately half dozen weddings over the years). And as school superintendent, strongly advocated improvements in Deaf Education. He also was a great story-teller, often fascinating friends with his tales. DeafDigest also dedicates this edition to Jack Levesque, San Leandro, CA, who departed us. He was a former executive director of Deaf Counseling, Advocacy & Referral Agency, one of California's largest agencies serving the deaf. As the CEO, he was adept in maximizing the skills of his employees. Growing up, he attended Clarke School for the Deaf, and was successful with speech and with voice telephone communications. But he quickly embraced ASL upon enrolling at Gallaudet and stayed with it all his life. Top stories about the deaf: FCC mandates on captions making the Deaf Community happy? No way! Already we are complaining that the new mandates have loopholes that TV producers are able to exploit. Youtube is asking us, the deaf, to file complaints with them if posted broadcasts do not show captions! Youtube will then follow up with these such complaints. DeafDigest hopes this will allow us to enjoy hours of captioned videos. The Nigeria Economic and Financial Crimes Commission has accused Alhaji Saminu Rabiu of scam, pocketing government money in fuel subsidies. This person was said to be deaf, and his attorney has requested trial postponement for that reason! Roche, a big Swiss pharmaceutical and healthcare corporation, said they are working on a new drug, called Inception 3, that could treat deafness. A big issue with the El Paso Independent Schools in Texas is quality of interpreting services. The school board got an earful from frustrated parents of deaf children. .............................................................. .............................................................. For postings, announcements and employment ad rates, please email .... weekly DeafDigest Blue & Gold editions also posted at: (updated every Monday) .............................................................. .............................................................. Don't Miss Another Word! Enjoy phone conversations confident you'll catch every word! The CapTel® Captioned Telephone allows people with hearing loss to listen to their caller and to read everything the caller says. Like captions on TV - for your phone! Captions are provided by a free service, no monthly fees or contracts required. For more information and to order call us at 1-800-233-9130 (V/TTY) or visit us at: For a copy of our catalog, email: Follow us on Facebook and Twitter! CapTel® Captioned Telephone - See What Everyone is Talking About! .............................................................. .............................................................. A WASTE IN DEAF HISTORY There was a deaf man, who never went to college, that was very interested in Deaf History. He would spend a lot of time on research in Deaf History. He read many deaf history books; he also spent a lot of time at Deaf Libraries. He wrote many pages of notes. He was not well liked in the Deaf Community because he was always arguing about Deaf History with many deaf people. Did he publish any of his research in Deaf Newspapers or Deaf Books or Deaf Magazines or on the web sites? Never. He kept these things a secret. When he died, everything went to waste with him! - for ASL News version with captions, please visit: (for your convenience, video links are posted on top of each DeafDigest edition) ..................................................... ..................................................... Triennial National Deaf People of Color Conference III June 13-16, 2013 Gallaudet University, Washington, DC more information at: ..................................................... ..................................................... DEAF AFRAID OF ANOTHER DEAF? Some years ago, a deaf person worked as a pizza driver for Domino's. For several months he was the only deaf driver in that Domino's place. Then another deaf person was hired to be a driver with that same Domino's place. What did the first deaf person do? He quit! Why? Afraid of another deaf person? Good question! - for ASL News version with captions, please visit: (for your convenience, video links are posted on top of each DeafDigest edition) ..................................................... ..................................................... What makes a restaurant deaf-friendly? for a short checklist, do visit: ................................................ ................................................ IMPORTANCE OF GALLAUDET ARCHIVES Scholars and researchers know the importance of Gallaudet archives. The archives is a department of its own within the Gallaudet library building. The archives room started out small and has expanded greatly, perhaps triple old size. DeafDigest editor went to the archives earlier this week to look up something. And there was a surprise, an unannounced visitor from France who needed to do some research. Said one staffer: we never expected him to show up when the doors opened for business today ................................................ ................................................ Meet and chat with deaf singles and friends worldwide on the #1 deaf network on the Internet....Deaf Match International ! Become a member and you can access all the great features of DMI ! * Find out why Deaf Match International has worked for over 10 years....since 2001 * Sign up and list your profile for FREE * Find the most Deaf and Hard of Hearing singles online - thousands of members ! Visit: ..................................................................... ..................................................................... Do you have trouble hearing on the phone? Check out this amazing offer at Hear World Communications.....For a limited time, FREE CaptionCall Captioned Telephone for all hard of hearing customers who qualify .....includes FREE delivery and installation...and no monthly charges (paid for by the FCC) ! "CaptionCall" is a state-of-the-art 40dB amplified and captioning-enabled phone that features a large, easy-to-read 7" touch screen that displays written captions (with adjustable text) of what your callers are saying. Storewide SALE plus Free Shipping...Save $$$ right now at Hear World Communications ! Hear World has a HUGE selection of New & Updated products....with the LOWEST Prices Guaranteed....For details and to shop online, visit: For more information on CaptionCall and other assistive devices, contact: Hear World Communications TOLL FREE: 1-866-889-4872 (Voice or TTY) In MD, DC and VA --- Call: (301) 926-2365 (Voice or TTY) FAX: (301) 963-0785 VP: (866) 536-6781 E-Mail: Web: Live Online Support --- AIM: UnitedTTY or HearWorld .............................................................. .............................................................. A CONFUSING NETFLIX CAPTIONING ANNOUNCEMENT IN CANADA Netflix has agreed to caption its videos by 2014. This decision was announced hours after DeafDigest distributed its Mid-Week edition. Anyway in Canada, the announcement was this: Canadians won't benefit from Netflix promise to add subtitles to all films by 2014 But reading further, it also said: The streaming giant does provide subtitles for most of it's English language programming on Netflix Canada Is it saying we, Americans, will watch Netflix captions, whereas Canadians will watch Netflix subtitles? Many people confuse captions with subtitles. Bottom line is - we can understand the video dialogue. Captions, however, add nuances such as (doorbell), (banging), (approaching footsteps) that we do not find in subtitles. WHAT DO INTERPRETERS HATE? deaf clients already in a foul mood prior to making video calls and take out their anger on the interpreters! if you have these "hate" or "horror" stories, please COMMENTS FROM A CART OPERATOR - continuing series I am sometimes asked whether it is difficult to always be the silent person in the classroom, at the meeting, or in the seminar. Oftentimes I am asked to participate and offer my "two cents" to the discussion taking place.  However, just as it is with sign language interpreters, it is important for CART providers to "stay in role." There is a fine line we walk when we have to be close enough to the proceedings to be able to hear them well and capture the contents of all communication, yet we must maintain our emotional distance in the sense that we do not participate in the discussions. No matter how much I may think I know about the subject being discussed or how much I would like to contribute to the conversation, it is not my place to interject myself into the proceedings.  Although it may be difficult, it is very important that we maintain our silence and that we not become another participant. The CART Provider's Manual prepared by the National Court Reporters Association offers the following guidance on this subject: "A CART provider's role is to facilitate communication. The CART provider will at all times stay in role and perform in a manner appropriate to the situation. A CART provider should decline any invitation or suggestion by participants and the consumer to comment, interject, advise, respond to inquiries, or in any way become involved in the assignment outside the role of CART provider. If necessary, the CART provider should politely explain the necessity to stay 'in role.'" A PET PEEVE OF BEING DEAF at restaurants, your group is chatting in ASL, and children, sitting the table next to yours, constantly stare at the group. (Every deaf person, no matter if it is ASL, oral, Cued Speech, late-deafened, hearing aid user, CI user, etc, share these pet peeves. You may laugh or cry) .............................................................. .............................................................. For postings, announcements and employment ad rates, please email for Special Notes, please go to the bottom of the Gold section .............................................................. .............................................................. DeafLaw Howard L. Gorrell, a Republican activist, is deaf and no longer lives in Maryland, having moved to Washington state to accept a new job with a deaf service agency there. Yet, his name continues to surface in Maryland because of his legal challenge to the 3rd Congressional District gerrymandering lines. There is talk that this issue may end up in the state courts. ...... News of the Week - Looking Back 10 Years Ago: The deaf can fly commercial airplanes, become air traffic controllers or even as flight navigators and flight engineers in Australia if the Attorney General has his way. The Attorney General found that excluding the disabled from these positions is discriminatory. The Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority is fighting the ruling. (the deaf still cannot fly commercial airplanes in Australia or work in high level airport jobs) ...... News of the Week - Looking Back 5 Years Ago: Comic book editor Tom Brevoort, not deaf, was recently interviewed. He said that introducing a deaf character into a comic book story was much more complicated than just drawing it in and weaving it into the plot! He was referring to the New Avengers #33 book when Echo, a deaf character, was ushered in. He said: it remains incredibly difficult to deal with a deaf character in a book where at least two of the characters (Spidey & Ronin) wear full face masks, so this is something we grapple with issue after issue He pointed out to a drawing gaffe where Echo, supposedly deaf, "heard" a door knock; Tom realized this gaffe but it was too late! ...... Deaf Apocalypse of the Week: Hearing employers are always saying they are in support on the needs of the deaf, especially interpreters at staff meetings. Yet, it is often always that when a staff meeting is scheduled, these same "supportive" employers forget to hire interpreters! ....... A Lipreading Problem: What did that person say? A friend was in a wheelchair because of knee surgery. I asked her if she has problems maneuvering around. I thought the friend said: No, but the traffic is terrible Terrible traffic in the workplace? She actually said: No, but my driving is terrible -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- * YOU COULD PLACE YOUR PAID EMPLOYMENT ADS IN THIS SECTION * on a per-subscriber basis, the DeafDigest ad rates are the best in the nation. * For more information, send E-mail to -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- - EXCITING EMPLOYMENT OPENINGS AT GLAD !! - -  Staff Interpreter  (2 positions) -  Los Angeles, CA -  Staff Interpreter - Bakersfield, CA -  Staff Interpreter - Riverside, CA (Two positions) To learn more about the above positions at GLAD, please go to our website: If interested for any of these positions then please submit resume and application to: Jeff Fetterman Human Resources Manager Greater Los Angeles Agency on Deafness, Inc. 2222 Laverna Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90041 V/TDD:  (323) 550-4207 Fax #:  (323) 550-4204 E-mail: -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Deaf Services at Advocates - Now Hiring! Advocates Inc positions based in Eastern and Central Massachusetts www. We are seeking Deaf and/or ASL fluent applicants for a variety of positions to support people who are Deaf and who have developmental disabilities, psychiatric diagnoses and mobility restrictions (Mental and/or Physical Challenges). Positions include awake overnights,  day and evening direct service workers, senior counselors, outreach workers and clinical program managers. Enjoy a career within a communication friendly environment, recovery-oriented, person centered human services agency with competitive salaries, attractive benefits, career advancement and an excellent communication access department. Advocates offers a comprehensive benefits package including medical, dental and life insurance, tuition reimbursement, 410(k) plan and a six-week holiday/vacation package. Advocates is an EOE committed to employing a diverse workforce. For over 30 years, Advocates has been providing high quality, community based supports across Eastern and Central Massachusetts. Over 1000 dedicated staff offer a broad range of services including residential supports, outpatient mental health and substance abuse services, psychiatric emergency services, home-based services for children and families, community justice services, advocacy and benefits services, family supports, employment and vocational services and day habilitation programs. Services are available for elders, families and individuals with mental health challenges, chemical dependency, developmental and intellectual disabilities, autism and pervasive development disabilities, brain injuries and other life challenges. Advocates is a nationally recognized provider for adults with Prader-Willi Syndrome, Deaf and Hard of Hearing adults with disabilities and individuals with developmental disabilities and co-occurring mental health needs. Our culturally sensitive programs and supports serve individuals and families from diverse backgrounds. Please send your resume to -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- position opening Information Technology Assistant - 12 months Rochester School for the Deaf Rochester, NY DATE POSITION TO BE FILLED: As soon as possible. PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES: Complete service request submitted through email system, including troubleshooting and resolving hardware and software problems on computers and peripherals. Assist in the maintenance of technology equipment and peripherals. DESIRED QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor's degree or Associate's degree in computer science or related field or three years of full-time experience as an IT assistant. FILE APPLICATION WITH: Harold Mowl, Jr. Superintendent/CEO Rochester School for the Deaf 1545 Saint Paul Street Rochester, NY 14621 Job application is available online: Applications received will be screened and the most highly qualified will be asked to interview. RSD is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate in employment on the basis of non-qualifying disability, race, religion, gender, marital status, age, national origin, and veteran status. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- (revised posting posting of open positions PAHrtners Deaf Services Glendale, PA PAHrtners Deaf Services is a dynamic team of behavioral health professionals serving Deaf and Hard of Hearing children and adults. We take great pride that our program is strongly Deaf/HOH centered with about 85% of our staff being Deaf or Hard of Hearing.  Our staff environment is one of incredible teamwork and mutual support.  As a result, we are rapidly growing with new programs and expansions of our existing programs.  Whether you are a high school graduate, recent college graduate or have many years' experience in the field of human services we have a career building position waiting for you!  E.O.E. PAHrtners is looking for dedicated, motivated, energetic individuals who are fluent in American Sign Language and knowledgeable about Deaf Culture and the Deaf Community to fill the following positions: - RESIDENTIAL PROGRAM DIRECTOR for DSA: (Full time position) The qualified candidate shall possess: HS Diploma and 5 years of Mental Health direct care experience, fluency in ASL, knowledge of Deaf Culture.  Excellent writing and communication skills required. Responsibilities: Day to day management and supervision of residential setting for deaf adults with mental illness and behavioral health concerns.  Supervision of direct care staff, development of residential programming and staff schedules, planning and leading staff meetings, coordinate staff trainings, manage petty cash and consumer funds, coordinate consumer services with internal/outside agency providers and families, conduct consumer and staff interviews, complete monthly reports, service plans and staff evaluations, follow up with physical and psychiatric medical concerns. Must be willing to work some evenings and weekend. - RESIDENTIAL ASSISTANT PROGRAM DIRECTORS: (Full time position) This position provides leadership role for residential staff and direct client services. Qualifications: minimum of a HS + 2 year related experience; valid drivers' license; advanced fluency in ASL; minimum of 2 years' experience with Deaf Community; demonstrated an ability to supervise, teach, advise and motivate staff members as well as Deaf Consumers; must possess strong interpersonal skills.  Duties: Provide guidance and training for staff and support to Deaf consumers with mental illness and/or developmental disabilities living in the community; promote consumers' independence and social relationships. Must be willing to work some evenings and weekend. - INTENSIVE CASE MANAGERS - FOR ADULTS:  (Full time position) This position provides resources and support to clients and their families who reside in the community and in our residential programs.  Responsibilities include:  assessing service needs of consumers to ensure continuum of care; develop service plans; independent living skills instructions, advocate for access to public and private services and programs such as medical, vocational and other services.  Qualifications:  BA/BS degree in a Human Services field preferred; or High School Diploma& 12 credit hours in social science with two (2) years mental health direct care experience. Must have strong organizational skills; fluency in ASL, familiarity with other visual communication modes and language levels.  Must be willing to work some evenings and weekends as needed and travel various areas in the community.  Knowledge of laws governing the rights of Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals including IDEA and ADA a plus; and must have a valid driver's license. - RESIDENTIAL COUNSELORS: (various positions available) This position provides direct client services including encouraging client independence in areas such as skills in daily living and community integration.  Duties: Provide supported living and training to Deaf consumers with mental illness and/or developmental disabilities living in the community; promote consumers' independence and social relationships. Positions open for weekend and evening shifts. Qualifications:  HS + 1 year related experience; valid drivers' license; advanced fluency in ASL; demonstrated competency in independent living skills; ability to teach, advise and motivate Deaf Consumers; strong interpersonal skills. Send your letter of intent and resumes to: Linda Claypool, Office Manager/HR PAHrtners Deaf Services, 614 N. Easton Road, Glenside, PA 19038 Email:  Fax: 215-884-6301 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- position opening President Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind Talladega, AL more information at: -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- position opening Certification & Education Specialist Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc. Alexandria, Virginia Current RID National Office Opening: - Certification & Education Specialist: Certification and Education Specialist supports the daily operations of the organization pertaining to the certification and education department, which is responsible for exam administration and certification maintenance. Certification and Education Specialist provides administrative and operational support to the director, managers and the department. Please e-mail any questions about current job postings at RID to -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- position opening Principal The Scranton School for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children Clarks Summit, PA JOB DESCRIPTION: This is a full-time, exempt, 12-month position. The Principal serves as educational and instructional leader. Provides supervision, guidance, and direction to staff through regular meetings and consultation.  Provides program supervision and guidance to    academic and residential SSDHHC staff.  Assures all teachers are observed and evaluated.  Advises teachers regarding educational techniques and procedures; completes written reports as necessary.  Meets and consults with parents, school districts, intermediate units, and/or other agencies in order to develop/provide appropriate programs for students.  Responsible for the after school/ residential program. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: M.Ed. in Special Education is required.  PA Instructional II Certification in Special Education and PA Supervisory or Principal Certification required. The Principal should have extensive knowledge of the educational needs of deaf and hard of hearing children and possess the ability to develop, revise, and adapt curriculum to meet program needs. He/She must also possess extensive knowledge of special education regulations and standards including the IEP process.  Skilled in staff supervision is necessary. Fluency in manual communication is required. PA State Police Criminal Clearance; PA Child Abuse History Clearance; FBI Clearance; Act 24. Advanced American Sign Language (ASL) skills preferred but not required at hire. SALARY: Commensurate with experience STARTING DATE: December 3, 2012 APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Send letter of application and resume to: Helen K. Shirey Director of Human Resources Western PA School for the Deaf 300 E Swissvale Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15218 The Scranton School for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children does not discriminate in its programs of education, employment, and all other activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, race, religion, disability or gender preference. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- position opening Teacher of the Deaf - High School Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf Pittsburgh, PA REPORTS TO: High School Principal JOB DESCRIPTION: This is an exempt, full-time, 187-day position.  Responsibilities include instructional programming in academics, language development and communication, in addition to guiding students toward healthy social, emotional and vocational adjustments. Plan, prepare, and present lessons of appropriate academic work to their students, use appropriate communication techniques to assure clarity and accuracy of conveyed information, work with Principal in guiding parents towards identifying their child's strengths and weaknesses and in programming for them accordingly through the IEP process. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: PA Instructional I or Instructional II Certification in Deaf Education required.  Dual certification in Mathematics or Science preferred. Master's Degree in Deaf Education also preferred. PA State Police Criminal Clearance, PA Child Abuse History Clearance, FBI Clearance The Sign Language Proficiency Interview (SLPI) for this position is Advanced.  The minimum level accepted at hire is Intermediate STARTING DATE:    ASAP DEADLINE TO APPLY: Until filled APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Send letter of application and resume to: Helen K. Shirey Director of Human Resources Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf 300 East Swissvale Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania  15218 The Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf does not discriminate in its programs of education, employment, and all other activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, age, religion, disability, or gender preference. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- job announcement Program Director I (Vocational) COPD Tucson Tucson, Arizona No 03-10-197 STATUS            Exempt PRIMARY FUNCTION Supervises and directs Vocational/Placement Department in the areas of competitive placement, job site training, job placement services and contract maintenance.  Oversees Ability One, WIA and VR placement services.  Develops training programs and placement options.  Ensures program compliance with established Agency policies and applicable regulatory guidelines.  Designs and schedules staff professional development training, maintains caseloads in accordance with service contract guidelines and assists with program budget development. Responsible for marketing COPD job training / placement services to employers in the greater Pima County area, staying current on changes in the marketing environment to best serve COPD.  May perform other duties as assigned. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS -    Markets to employers throughout Pima County to meet their placement and training needs -    Markets COPD services and obtains contracts for services, job placement and training -    Creates job placement and training opportunities for consumers at COPD -    Attends WIB and Youth Council meetings -    Develops and implements strategic marketing plan for COPD job training/placement -    Develops, recommends and assists management in job placement and operational policies needed for vocational programs -    Oversees the daily operation of the Job Placement, Job Training, Ability One and Youth Services Programs, contracts and collections processes; monitors quality of services and billing processes -    Oversees development of Job Training Program -    Monitors Job Training, NISH, WIA and Job Placement Programs -    Coordinates training of staff in the areas of general procedures, behavioral techniques and community based programming -    Maintains contractual relationships with DDD, VR, WIA and NISH -    Develops new programs that provide new opportunities for consumers to include NISH contracts, Business partnerships, and community partnerships -    Oversees and monitors contracts to maintain objectives and contractual goals -    Reviews and maintains CARF procedures and Affirmative Action goals -    Supervises staff and acts as a liaison between all parties including businesses requesting work, school systems and rehabilitation team -    Supervises assessments and placements into new programs -    Responsible for recruiting, hiring, training, evaluating, providing constructive performance feedback and separating employees -    Serves as SCS Administrative Team member and provides input regarding COPD's agency needs -    Supervises NISH staff and Summer Youth Program Coordinator -    Reviews quality of job placement program and determines appropriate staffing patterns -    Develops new programs and opportunities -    Develops and implements strategic marketing plan for COPD job training / placement services. -    Plans, implements and performs all aspects of COPD.s marketing to employers in Pima County. -    May drive agency or personal vehicle on company business MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS -    Bachelor's in Rehabilitation, Counseling, Education or related field -    American Sign Language skills -    3 years of experience in Vocational/ILS services -    Knowledge of DDD system, Vocational Rehabilitation and CARF accreditation standards -    3 years of supervisory or administrative experience -    Obtain State of Arizona Fingerprint Clearance Card and pass drug screening -    Valid Arizona Driver License, proof of insurance and Arizona Motor Vehicle Division 39 month Motor Vehicle Report DESIRED QUALIFICATIONS -    Master's in Rehabilitation, Counseling, Education or related field -    Additional years of directly related experience SALARY        $17.35 - $21.69 depending on experience and educational background SELECTION    Applicants will be rated and evaluated based upon of their qualifications, training and related job experience HOW TO APPLY    Complete application at: Catholic Community Services 140 W. Speedway Blvd. #230 Tucson, AZ  85705 Fax resume and cover letter - 520-770-8505 Email resume and cover letter OPEN        August 28, 2012 CLOSING DATE    Until Filled Equal Opportunity Employer -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- UTAH SCHOOLS FOR THE DEAF AND THE BLIND 742 Harrison Blvd., Ogden, Utah  84404 Telephone (801) 629-4702 Voice, (801) 629-4701 TTY Salt Lake Telephone (801) 464-2000 Voice, (801) 464-2001 TTY Toll Free in Utah 1-800-990-9328 Announces the Position of Library Technician II, USDB IN-HOUSE ONLY Location:        Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind Announcement No. 61-12 1655 East 3300 South $ Schedule B Salt Lake City, UT  84106 DPR 50255/6343 JOB SUMMARY   Manages the day-to-day operations of the Educational Resource Center (ERC) state-wide resource library for the deaf/hard-of-hearing and blind/visually impaired at the Salt Lake Campus of the Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind (USDB). Processes library materials and performs other related duties; follows well-established procedures where little or no knowledge of the structure or functions of the organization is required; receives calls or greets customers, responds to requests; maintains inventory and library resources; receives, catalogs, and processes new materials; keeps library resources and budgets current and within limits; keeps inventory of ERC collection; maintains an accurate library database and collection management; performs other duties as assigned. U.S. Department of Homeland Security Federal Emergency Management Agency Dear Colleagues; FEMA.s Office of Disability Integration and Coordination is growing and we would appreciate your help with disseminating this announcement.  We currently have two vacancies in the Washington, DC area.  We are recruiting a Disability Integration Communication Specialist (GS-301-12) and a Senior Advisor (GS-301-14). Please follow the links below to each of the vacancy announcements in USAJOBS.GOV. Please feel free to forward this notification to anyone who may be interested in applying for one of these exciting opportunities to join FEMA and help integrate and coordinate national disability inclusive emergency management efforts. Senior Advisor GS-301-14: Disability Integration Communications Specialist GS-301-12: Job Opening: There are several positions currently open for hourly interpreters with the National Center for Deaf Health Research. If you are interested in applying, please visit the following website: and look for one of the following jobs, #177267, #177266, #177265, or #177264. If you have any questions or would like more information, please email Faculty, American Sign Language & Interpreter Training Job #1209019 Apply for this Position Closing Date: 11/02/2012 Apply for this position by the closing date listed above. Position Information Location - Rio Grande Office located at Rio Grande campus however, may be required to teach at other campuses Hours - Required to teach fall, spring and summer. Must maintain an established schedule. May include evenings and weekends. Position Focus - Upper level American Sign Language (ASL) Salary - Salary is assigned according to the Full-Time Faculty Salary Scale FLSA Status - Exempt Criminal Background Check - Pre-employment criminal background checks are required for all Staff and Faculty positions. Pre-employment urinalyses drug screens are also required for all top candidates considered for positions in ACC's College Police department. Job Purpose To instruct students in American Sign Language levels I through VI in accordance with College policies and procedures. Reports To - Department Chair , American Sign Language & Interpreter Training Description of Duties and Tasks Essential duties and responsibilities include the following. Other duties may be assigned. 1. Instructs students in the American Sign Language discipline. Provides learning activities that stimulate student involvement and encourage critical thinking. 2. Utilizes innovative teaching strategies to meet the learning needs of a diverse student population: including interactive video technology; online format and other uses of technology. 3. Maintains regular office hours to assist students; responds to students' emails and voice mails in a timely fashion. Responds to assignments and students' concerns in a timely manner; accurate assessment of student performance and timely filing of grades. 4. Maintains professional competencies in the subject area and currency in instructional methodologies through professional associations and professional development. 5. Plans and organizes syllabi, course work, study guides and other support material for the classroom setting as well as online learning. Participates in curriculum development, implementation, and review in accordance with college concerns. 6. Participates in graduation, general assembly, and other official College functions. Serves as an academic advisor to assigned students. Serves on college-wide and departmental committees as needed. 7. Performs other related tasks as assigned by the Department Chair, Dean, Associate Vice President, and/or the Executive Vice President. Knowledge Must possess required knowledge and be able to explain and demonstrate, with or without reasonable accommodations, that the essential functions of the job can be performed. Required * Knowledge of effective instructional techniques and innovative modes of course delivery adaptable to a variety of learning styles. * Must be knowledgeable about and capable of using current technologies in the classroom and to convey online course content. * Extensive knowledge of the discipline, subject matter, and related and/or relevant topics and issues in the teaching discipline. * Extensive knowledge of American Sign Language linguistics, Deaf history and Deaf culture. * Understanding the comprehensive mission and philosophy of community colleges. * Sensitive issues relating to a diverse student body. * Principles and practices associated with Servant-Leadership. Skills * Must possess required skills and be able to explain and demonstrate, with or without reasonable accommodations, that the essential functions of the job can be performed. Required * Effective planning, organizing, communication, and interpersonal skills including use of tact and discretion and the ability to meet deadlines. * Effective leadership, team building skills and a strong customer-orientation when working with diverse students, faculty, administration, community and business leaders. * Effective assistance of student learning, using a variety of learning styles. * Interacting with students of diverse backgrounds. * Being punctual for classes and office hours. Maintaining an established schedule that may vary by semester and that may include evenings and weekends and multiple campus locations. * Maintaining confidentiality of student information. Computer Skills Required *Demonstrated proficiency using computer applications, online resources, and other technologies for the classroom and online learning as well as to develop and build course content and perform administrative duties (posting office hours, syllabi, grades, etc.). * Experience using Blackboard or other online educational software. Preferred * Experience using a variety of online technologies and resources. Physical Requirements * Ability to communicate effectively with students. * Work is routinely performed in a classroom setting. Work Experience Required * Minimum of 3 non-teaching related work expereinceyears experience. * Minimum of three years experience teaching upper level ASL coursework or ASL studies coursework in a post secondary setting. Preferred Administrative experience in a post secondary setting. Education Required In accordance with SACS accreditation requirements: Master's degree in ASL, Deaf Studies or Deaf Education or Master's degree with 18 graduate hours in coursework related to ASL, Deaf Studies or ASL Linguistics. Preferred Master's degree or above in American Sign Language, Interpreting; or Master's degree or above and 18 hours in American Sign Language, Deaf Studies, Interpreting and/or ASL linguistics-related coursework. Licenses/Certifications Required None Preferred State or national Interpreter certification American Sign Language Teacher Association (ASLTA) Certification Other Required This is a Security Sensitive position. Pre-Employment Criminal History Checks are required.Official transcripts are required. Reliable transportation may be required for teaching in multiple campus locations. Safety Work safely and follow safety rules. Report unsafe working conditions and behavior. Take reasonable and prudent actions to prevent others from engaging in unsafe practices. Transcript Requirements Applications are complete upon receipt of an official transcript. ACC only accepts transcripts that are mailed directly from educational institutions. Educational Institutions must mail transcripts to the Highland Business Center, Attn. E.M. Breedlove, 5930 Middle Fiskville Road, Austin, TX 78752. Transcript Policy Foreign Transcripts Applicants who have degrees earned from educational institutions located outside of the United States are required to have their transcripts evaluated by a recognized credential evaluation service prior to applying for Faculty and/or Adjunct Faculty positions. If the transcripts are in a foreign language, applicants also need to have their transcripts translated prior to applying for ACC job opportunities. Foreign Transcript Policy ACC Benefits Overview Full-time Faculty and Staffing Table employees who work in full-time and/or part-time positions at the College are eligible for ACC medical benefits effective the first of the month after their first 90 days of employment. Benefits include medical, dental, life insurance, short and long term disability, retirement plans and AD&D. ACC does not participate in Social Security. ACC participates in the Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS) and the Optional Retirement Program (ORP-Faculty Only). Part-time and Hourly employees participate in the ACC Money Purchase Plan (ACCMPP) as a retirement program required by Federal law. IRS Job Opening Operations Research Analyst Position: Operations Research Analyst POD: Chamblee GA (just outside of Atlanta GA) GS Level 7-9 Salary Range: 40,534-49,581 (OPM guidelines) Job Duties:  Attached document lists some of the major job duties Required Documents: Resume, Transcripts, Schedule A Letter Job Duties: Assists in and/or performs special studies of Service operations to identify mathematical applications to improve and/or enhance existing programs. Responsibilities in conducting these studies may include determining the types of data to be collected, formulating study methodologies, recommending improvements to existing programs, assisting functional activities in the implementation of headquarters and field operational segments and analyzing data from a variety of sources. Knowledge: Basic knowledge of multivariate techniques and knowledge of pertinent mathematical, simulation Economics, econometric and statistical operations research techniques to use in the context of government policy decisions. Skill in researching and gathering pertinent data from a wide variety of sources, and using it to analyze complex projects and program areas. Send all documents to: Paula B Golladay Phone-202-591-6000 (V)-I am very VRS friendly Paula B Golladay Management and Program Analyst Internal Revenue Service IRS Recruitment Office (OS:HC:ETS:IRO) AWS-M-Thurs- 6:30 AM - 4:00 PM First Friday Off, M-Thurs - 6:30 AM - 4:00 PM Friday 6:30 AM -3:00 PM-NEW Job Opening Announcement Title: DBCAN Part-time Administrative Assistant (7 hours/week) Duties and Responsibilities: - Responsible for printing, copying and filing documents in accessible formats including Braille. Assist with phone calls and other office work. - Maintain database records; input update information and ongoing record keeping. - Responsible for the distribution of monthly reports; assist with invoices. - Responsible for preparing and distributing information packets, training materials and resource information. - Assist with preparation and attend quarterly Advisory Council evening meetings & take notes. - Schedule statewide appointments for various information sessions and meetings. - Assist in the coordination and set up of the Provider Trainings and Support Group meetings. - Arrange travel plans for staff conducting outreach, training and interviews in various statewide regions. - Other duties assigned by DBCAN Director. Qualifications: At least one year experience working with diverse Deaf and DeafBlind individuals. Skilled in tactile ASL preferred. Must have good English skills and be computer literate (MS Words, Excel & internet). Must have strong interpersonal skills and ability to perform effectively as part of a team. Sensitivity to and awareness of issues facing DeafBlind people of various communication methods. Supervision: Reports to DBCAN Director Timeline: Immediate Opening. Applications accepted until position filled. To Apply: email a cover letter, resume and a list of three references to: Ann Thompson HR/Administrative Coordinator -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- other deaf-related jobs -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-

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