DeafDigest - 14 October 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, October 14, 2014   -- a rare deaf job in the entertainment field What is the rarest deaf job in the entertainment field? It is voice-over acting. When one watches the cartoons and hears conversation, it is called voiceovers. Anyway, we have a deaf person who does voiceovers. It is Andre Sogliuzzo. When he does voiceovers he uses special hearing aids that are plugged into headset feeds so that he will miss nothing.   -- a "deaf house" across the street from Gallaudet About 25 years ago, former Gallaudet instructor Bernard Brown came up with the concept of a Deaf House, as developed from his years of experience in the home improvement field. You can see the list at: http:// Anyway it was announced that Gallaudet is coming up with a "town-gown" neighborhood across the street, which is supposed to be 100 percent deaf friendly. This concept is almost the same as the Deaf House. The JBG Construction company will be building this type of Deaf House Neighborhood, only that Gallaudet calls it Town-Gown.   -- Fedex in a lawsuit Yesterday DeafDigest briefly mentioned that while Fedex gives a lot of business to a deaf contractor, it is being sued for lack of accommodations. The attorney told DeafDigest that there were no interpreters for application procedures, training, daily safety meetings, employment disciplinary or opportunities for promotion, workers comp, termination and etc. 19 deaf people are part of that lawsuit. So is Fedex good to the deaf or bad to the deaf? See what happens in the courts.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions 10/12/14 Blue edition at: 10/12/14 Gold edition at:

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