DeafDigest - 14 October 2019

DeafDigest Blue - October 13, 2019
Blue Edition - updated every Monday
Serving the Deaf Community since 1996; 23rd year
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Last week's ASL Videos in youtube:
This week's ASL videos in youtube:
Top stories about the deaf:
Nevers Mumba, the leader of Zambia opposition political
party, said everyone should learn sign language
to better communicate with the deaf.
Australian government officials can be that
insensitive when dealing the deaf that know
no sign language. One official told the
deaf group to learn signs via the youtube.
James Lee, Virginia’s Superintendent of Public
Instruction, toured Virginia School for the
Deaf and Blind, and said it is a hidden gem!
Representatives of seven African national associations
of the deaf met together to discuss challenges,
problems and issues their deaf people face.
Deaf British theater-goers are now enjoying improved
captions on the stage, thanks to funding by the
Arts and Humanities Research Council and the
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.
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weekly DeafDigest Blue & Gold editions: (updated every Monday)
This week's ASL video in youtube
    Deaf people are always tapping other deaf people
on their shoulders to call attention.
    The law says that if someone touches another person,
it is assault and battery.
    It is not a problem when a deaf person is touched
because knows that he cannot hear and is being asked
to pay attention.
    But if a deaf person accidentally taps a hearing
person on the shoulder, it may be a different story.
    A deaf person in the postal service was twice
fired for touching a hearing person on the shoulder.
The hearing person complained and the deaf person was
fired. The union got the job back for the deaf person,
but again he was fired for the same reason.
    So, touching a deaf person is different from
touching a hearing person.
This week's ASL video in youtube:
Lip reading tale
Two dessert-lovers, one deaf and one hearing,
were talking about pastries and desserts.
The deaf person thought the hearing person said:
I love claire
The hearing person actually said:
I love eclair
This week's ASL video in youtube
    Some years ago, a deaf person worked as a pizza driver
for Domino's. For several months he was the only deaf driver
in that Domino's place.
    Then another deaf person was hired to be a driver with
that same Domino's place.
    What did the first deaf person do? He quit! Why? Afraid
of another deaf person?
    Good question!
This week's ASL video in youtube:
As viewers of closed captioning, we are very concerned that TV shows,
movies, and online videos are captioned for accessibility. Different
companies have been in the news lately because of their efforts in
providing captioning on the internet or failing to provide captioning of
their material.
What we need to remember is that it is not the just the quantity of
captioning that is important, but it is very important that the quality of
captioning be maintained. Captioning must be accurate in order to provide
meaningful accessibility. If an organization says that they caption their
videos, yet the accuracy rate is only 80% to 90%, that is not good enough
to be considered accessible. If one or two words out of every ten are
wrong, it is impossible to understand the message being conveyed.
We must educate ourselves on what is considered good captioning, and we
must not accept captioning that does not truly provide access. It is up to
all of us, as viewers of captioning, to provide feedback to the companies
so that they know where their captioning efforts are succeeding and where
they are failing. Inaccurate captions are not providing equal access.
For postings, announcements and employment ad rates,
please email
News of the Week - Looking Back 10 Years Ago:
In Ontario, Canada leaders of a political party are thinking
of thwarting a deaf attorney from running for public office.
The story did not mention the name of the deaf attorney,
nor the name of the political party
News of the Week - Looking Back 5 Years Ago:
University of Southern Mississippi has been
awarded one million dollars to sustain its
deaf teacher training program. It is not for ASL,
but for oral.
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Copyright 2019 by Barry Strassler, DeafDigest.

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