DeafDigest - 14 October 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - October 14, 2020 -- Deaf U reveals something very shocking Some hearing people posted on the social media, expressing their shock that Gallaudet, consisting of deaf students, has a football team. These hearing people do not realize that Gallaudet's football history is storied - first huddle, one of nation's oldest collegiate football programs, several players moving on to pro football (not NFL, though) and winning several conference championships.   -- hearing forced to learn sign language For years, before Covid-19, two neighbors, one deaf and one hearing, worked together on gardening projects. Sign language was not necessary as communication was done via lipreading, body language and gestures. This has changed - the hearing gardener had to learn sign language for communication purposes!   -- number #1 rule with deaf employees When employers hire the deaf, they must realize the #1 rule - ADA, ADA and ADA. This means accomodations, accomodations and accomodations. A deaf employee was fired - and the issue prior to the firing was - did the employer look for accomodations first? This is the issue in an upcoming court case filed by the fired deaf employee.   Deaf jobs - latest update 10/11/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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